Burger Wars!

San Francisco is a bizarre place. Is everyone from there obsessed about the most mundane topics?

I'm expecting the next thread from SF to be about "The evils of glasses that are round and accentuate the wrong part of the face."

So, if you think this is just West Coast, how do you explain the thread on Chicago pizza vs NY pizza?
Wow. A 2 lb burger is over the top even for me. I'd woof a 1 lb down no problem. Those do look good.

It's rediculous actually, but I find it quite amazing that they can cook such huge slabs of meat to perfection. It's not just a novelty, it tastes fantastic as well. BTW, last time I had one, we split it four ways. Still half a pound of meat plus fixins and about equal weight of french fries. MMMMMMM Goooooooooddddddd :)
I'm still trying to figure out why someone would ride a bicycle 50 miles? That's a nice cross country flight!

The best burgers on the planet are made at the Wild Horse Saloon, around the corner from our hotel. But if you ask for one wrapped in lettuce, I can't be responsible for your safety.
Well, I thought the answer should be fairly obvious, one rides 50 miles so one can eat massive burgers.

(For frame of reference, the World's Most Interesting Pilot considers a trans Pacific journey to be a local flight.)
The best burgers on the planet are made at the Wild Horse Saloon, around the corner from our hotel. But if you ask for one wrapped in lettuce, I can't be responsible for your safety.

I thought you said that island was a nice place.

A place where people threaten you for having different taste is not nice at all.
I thought you said that island was a nice place.

A place where people threaten you for having different taste is not nice at all.

You're not going to go and get all weepy on me, are you? :D

It was a wee bit of hyperbole. No one would threaten you for wrapping LETTUCE around a hamburger patty. Heck, they let me live when I told them I was on a juice diet, barely.

But expect uncontrolled chortling, and more than a little smirking and finger pointing...
I thought you said that island was a nice place.

A place where people threaten you for having different taste is not nice at all.

LOL... You should pop over into SZ sometime! Haha. There's a whole gaggle of folks who like that sort of thing. :)
The standard to which I presently hold all other burgers is the Reno Peppermill, who had a 1 lb bacon cheeseburger similar to Okieflier's Big Jud burger. They used to have some restaurants in Norcal but they closed then all.
The standard to which I presently hold all other burgers is the Reno Peppermill, who had a 1 lb bacon cheeseburger similar to Okieflier's Big Jud burger. They used to have some restaurants in Norcal but they closed then all.

Speaking of bacon...we had a group of young rednecks scorch our pool fence last month, by starting a major grease fire in our poolside BBQ grill.

After putting the fire out, Mary discovered that these lunkheads had dropped an entire 1-pound package of bacon on the grill, expecting it to cook like a big steak.

Needless to say, the resulting conflagration caught them by surprise. :banghead:
Wow... dropping an entire bacon package on the grill... They must have been taking some pretty serious bong hits. I mean you CAN do bacon on a grill, but you need to fry it in a pan (meaning, you might as well do it on the stove if so available.)
Well they closed most of them, but I still think there is one in Davis; Redrum burger (formerly Murder Burger, but folks took offense). I like the Ostrich, but they have beef and Buffalo, too.

If your that close drive a little further to Sacramento and get my favorite at Nationwide Freezer Meats...that burger is LEGIT! There is also Squeeze In if you wanna really fall asleep at the wheel.
Wow... dropping an entire bacon package on the grill... They must have been taking some pretty serious bong hits. I mean you CAN do bacon on a grill, but you need to fry it in a pan (meaning, you might as well do it on the stove if so available.)

If you put it in one of those fish or veggie baskets


Bacon cooks great on the grill...but you have to flip often and really work at it.