buckaroo banzai...


Management Council Member
Dec 5, 2010
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...is now available on bluray.

Also, just noticed that the jet car has a venturi:
I still think that is a fantastic movie. Terrific, all around.
I also love "Mars Attacks," and not just because Jack Nicholson is the President of the United States.
Another aviation easter egg:
Screen Shot 2018-05-16 at 9.12.03 PM.jpg
Ya know, the first time I saw that movie, I had missed the first 5-10 minutes and it made no damn sense! Gave it another shot from the beginning the next time it ran on HBO and it became one of my favorites. Being a keyboard nerd, love the theme song, too. :D

In fact, I just said to someone today at work: "Your over thrusters are sh**." He didn't get it.

"No matter where you go, there you are."
Listen to the PA announements in the scenes with John Lithgow in the looney bin. . .And the crack about "Declaration or War, Short Form". Also, check out "Dark Star". The book is even funnier. . .weirder?
I can't explain it, and I'm not just embarrassed, I'm HUMILIATED to admit it. but I love "Buckaroo Banzai".
I watch it at least once a year.
I can't explain it, and I'm not just embarrassed, I'm HUMILIATED to admit it. but I love "Buckaroo Banzai".
I watch it at least once a year.
It's entertaining the first 100 times watching it. After that it's best to tune in for the really funny lines.

Buckaroo: It flies like a truck
Alien: What's a truck?
Being a fan of Douglas Adams, Vonnegut, and the like I’m surprised I’ve missed this all these years.
Plan to read the book first - good idea?