Bruce Willis is building an airport

Because if you have the money, it’s easier to build with excess capacity now then to add capacity later.
Sounds like he asked one of his pilots how much runway they’d like to have and maybe didn’t ask how much was needed...or maybe he wants to be able to fly in a couple hundred of his closest friends in one load...or his next jet is a 737MAX...LOL
The bigger the runway the better.
JT might fly in with one of his jets but it won’t be a 707. He got rid of it last year.
So John Travolta can visit in his 707.

He can''s sitting on the ground permanently. Too expensive to fix. 707JT is the tail. I think Stambaugh aviation plans on using it for parts at this point.
I believe that Travolta's pad is based at an airpark with other aviation residences...that is not all his.

:rolleyes: His place is at the airport pictured. Never said the entire airport was his.

Zoom in to see his acreage and house.
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He can''s sitting on the ground permanently. Too expensive to fix. 707JT is the tail. I think Stambaugh aviation plans on using it for parts at this point.

Is it still at BQK? I haven’t been there in awhile, but it was there last time I was there.
Spruce Creek wasn’t cutting it so Travolta is one of the few that bought into Jumbolair. Speaking of, interesting history on the couple that bought that property and the highs and lows of trying to start a fly-in community. Good read if you dig deep with your Google / YT skills.
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Spruce Creek wasn’t cutting it so Travolta is one of the few that bought into Jumbolair. Speaking of, interesting history on the couple that bought that property and the highs and lows of trying to start a fly-in community. Good read if you dig deep with your Google / YT skills.

Read an article back in the 70s about the man who built and was the original owner, the founder of Nautilas, Arthur Jones. At the time he was in his 60s and his wife was 21, reminds one of Barbi Benton, hot. They would fly their 707 over to Africa and bring back wild animals who then roamed that airport. His young wife was typed in all their planes, coup 707s, a Gulfstream, and a few others.

Evidently they split up and she got the airport, and began selling large lots. As for Travolta I've always heard he was run off Spruce Creek due to his loud planes and landing in the middle of the night.
As for Travolta I've always heard he was run off Spruce Creek due to his loud planes and landing in the middle of the night.

I heard from a few people that lived in Spruce Creek that it was from taking off a 2am to get to California early in the morning. I know he (or his roadies) parked the plane over in Sanford (KSFB) a few times for an early take off.
Read an article back in the 70s about the man who built and was the original owner, the founder of Nautilas, Arthur Jones. At the time he was in his 60s and his wife was 21, reminds one of Barbi Benton, hot

His motto was "younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles."

It might do well as a reliever for KSUN (Hailey/Sun Valley) when the weather goes down. It's somewhat closer than Twin Falls.
He owns the ski resort just north of Fairfield, ID. I bet he just wants to turn it into a mini-Jackson Hole, WY thing??

he actually donated the resort to a non profit years ago and the non profit sold it to a private entity a few yrs ago. Here are a few pictures I took a 2 days ago of what is completed of the strip. Lots of whining from the locals and legal red tape has put the project in limbo for the last year or so.


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