Bought myself a Christmas plane :-)

Just picked up this award winning 1947 Cessna 140! I love it! Going to teach my son to fly in this airplane. The guy that rebuilt this plane is awesome, attention to detail is outstanding!

My computer must be broke. I cant see the picture!

If I had a son.....

And I wanted him to learn to fly....

I would buy something just like that.... Only, likely not as pretty....

Very nice.

Patroller doors and drop down lights, very cool, the panel..well you got a little re organizing to do, but overall that's a heck of a plane, well done!

Patroller doors and drop down lights, very cool, the panel..well you got a little re organizing to do, but overall that's a heck of a plane, well done!

Yeah, because "award winning" just ain't good enough....
Can you put an LED in there for the drop down? Looks like a 4509 (thinking power draw). Good gracious, that's a gorgeous 140!

Gorgeous! Congrats!
I hate you now.........:mad::confused:

BTW.....can I fly it?o_O;):)
Sooooo pretty

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Looks fun.

Wish they flew a little better up here in summertime, they're such cool little airplanes.
....cuz it just feels wrong?


What a beautiful plane!
I'm not so vintage the I can't see a safety improvement when I see one
Good point, but it's got Whelen tip strobes and an updated panel. I looked but didn't see mention of an alternator conversion.

OK, you see that same elegant lady with the silly colored nails.
I say stop there, and forgo the full sleeve dragon tattoo!