Bored housewives....


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Oct 27, 2014
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No, its not a TV show... or a porno...

My wife got roped into hosting one of those pampered chef pyramid scheme parties. I'm trying to hide, as my monday night climbing session buddies bailed and I'm home tonight. 10 women pretending to be interested in the sales talk from the presenter person, while wolfing down snacks and glasses of wine. Trying to avoid going in the kitchen, but I'm getting hungry.... :mad2:
gun cleaning time.

Get all your heavy arty out, put on a wife-beater T-shirt, open a can of Schlitz or PBR and fire up a cheap cigar.
Think about this... a house full of drunk, bored housewives.... I'm sensing Miller Time if you can hold it together.....
Yeah... trying to focus... I don't think they'll get THAT drunk... Not sure the wife would be into... that. :nono:
Well you're hosed then. You should have maintained your "appointment" with your climbing buddies and hit the pub instead.

I would have.
"I enjoy celebrating red peppers in my food...."

lol. Sales lady is on a roll. Hasn't shut up for over an hour. Impressive.
Last time something similar went down at my house I came upstairs for another bourbon just in time to hear one of her friends talking about her vagina issues.

Yea, I've overhead conversations before that I really wish I didn't hear...

Sales lady is now trying her best to rope someone to be in her pyramid scheme, so she can make money off of them.
Yea, I've overhead conversations before that I really wish I didn't hear...

Sales lady is now trying her best to rope someone to be in her pyramid scheme, so she can make money off of them.

Amway,,, Or Shakelee vitamins????
Essential oils seems to be the latest "hot new MLM"
At the risk of sounding like a girly man, I really enjoy Pampered Chef products and essential oils. I thought my wife was just flushing money down the toilet with the oils, but by gosh, the ones I've used work like a charm.

Now, to compensate for the girly talk, here's a picture of a hot chick with a gun.

No, its not a TV show... or a porno...

My wife got roped into hosting one of those pampered chef pyramid scheme parties. I'm trying to hide, as my monday night climbing session buddies bailed and I'm home tonight. 10 women pretending to be interested in the sales talk from the presenter person, while wolfing down snacks and glasses of wine. Trying to avoid going in the kitchen, but I'm getting hungry.... :mad2:

Hey, feel lucky she's not a QVC addict.:eek: The thing that sucks about some (by far not all:lol:) of those bloody deals is they actually have a quality product at a reasonable price. I'm trying to buy the product but all they want to sell me is a distributor ship, and sell distributor ships to all my friends and family.:mad2:

"I don't want to bother my friends with distributorships, I want your doohickey to use or sell." "Well, you only get one demonstrator with the distributorship for now." "Well then how do I distribute?" "We're building our global distributor network before we go into scale production.":rolleyes2: "Can I just buy a doohickey off you then? No, you have to buy a distributorship to get one.":rofl::rolleyes:
Thankfully Steinholme has multiple bars within walking distance for just such emergencies.
My wife is good friends with some of my female co-workers and other co-workers wives. I get to hear about stuff like this at home and at work.
My wife is a pushover. She can't say no to church groups asking her to help with one thing or another, friends asking for help with things, etc. But when it comes to things like this she is VERY good at following my lead and saying exactly what I say when some knucklehead asks us to participate in that crap. If you think I can be abrasive online, try asking me in person to get involved in one of those schemes.
re: picture of hot girl with gun .... trigger finger placement fail ... :D :D :nono: :rofl:
My wife did Pampered Chef on the side for several years. While there is a bit of the whole pyramid thing to it, it really isn't a bad way to pick up a few bucks on the side. Beats a lot of other ways people kill time and money. The products are actually quite good (I'm the cook in the family), and you can pick up quite a bit of it on the cheap if you're selling it. She made a few good close friends along the way.