Blues Swap Paint

Never seen the T Birds and Blues together. That would have been great to see.

I'd imagine such is not the case during season shows, but I have heard that making soft contact between jets (already in formation) is not super uncommon during the practice/off-season. Not sure if that is true
I'd imagine such is not the case during season shows, but I have heard that making soft contact between jets (already in formation) is not super uncommon during the practice/off-season. Not sure if that is true

Yep. I talked to a former Marine BA outside Miramar base ops one day. Said one time he was flying an Admiral in the back during a practice show and scrapped. :eek:
I'd imagine such is not the case during season shows, but I have heard that making soft contact between jets (already in formation) is not super uncommon during the practice/off-season. Not sure if that is true

And when you are in formation, the speed delta is zero or nearly zero so I would imagine the potential for catastrophe is far less than trading paint at different speeds.
Blue Angels Threshold has a good scene where they rubbed inflight. Number 3 Bill Beardsley was the rookie in training and hit the Boss. Some serious wing tip damage.
Can't say I am surprised having observed a beach flyover there. It is astounding how close those guys appear.
A little inappropriate touching between Navy guys, nothing new. :)

They’re not submariners. LOL!

(You went there, and I used to have a retired submarine XO as a boss, and the jokes were way more merciless than this. We always said we were helping him with his anger issues. Hahaha.)