Blue Angels cockpit vid

That's just COOL.

Was this at the Traverse City MI show? It looked like most of their performance was over water, which is how it is there (at the beach, not at the airport). The flight is "interesting" because the air goes super smooth over the water, then rough over land...
Those guys are so good they make it look easy. And we KNOW it isn't.
A pal of mine flies F15s @ las vegas. Two roomates of his from school just accepted to the next Thunderbirds team. Incredible.
Wow, notice those towers go by at about 5:42, and again at 7:07? That videographer was certainly having fun!:yes:
Was this at the Traverse City MI show?

This is the Naval Academy Graduation Flight. Annapolis, MD. At 1:23 you can see the Old (new) Severn River Bridge, which they now call the Naval Academy Bridge. Closed for the show (notice the lack of traffic). At 2:20 is the main part of the Capus and the practice fields next to the river. And the "Harbor" for their training boats. The towers that you see at 4:02, 5:42 and 7:02 used to be used to communicate with the submarie fleet in the Atlantic Ocean. Don't know if they still do. At 9:26 you can see the dome of the Naval Academy Chapel (nearest) and the Maryland State House.
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I caught a glimpse of my house in that video when they were in a low turn over my neighborhood.
They are supposed to be in NH this August, hoping to make it.