Better Call Saul!

Funny that my first reaction to this is, "Solid choice of airplane!"
Only if they want to be missing at sea. Short legs on a turboprop conversion.
Only if they want to be missing at sea. Short legs on a turboprop conversion.
And the cops were glad to "get these drugs off the street".

They could have just let him take off - but that would have wasted a perfectly good airplane.
Wouldn't want to see what a giant squid does when it's high on meth. Nope. :)
Adding the cat really adds to that @Matthew ... where would the world be without the Internet and cat videos? :)
On a positive note, a pretty nice P210 will be on the auction block soon...
Did he finish the purchase? The text I was reading seemed to indicate that the owner hadn't completed selling it to him, but I was skimming for sure.
Dayum skippy! And I'll volunteer to fly dat beeotch!!
Oh, they don't fly them, they just park them and let them rot while the owner spends thousands in legal fees and years waiting on the courts, to get them back. Unless they went to jail, in which case, they just let them rot.
My first thought was:

The guys that have been known to make meth around here are some the dumbest, mostly brain dead, strung out morons I've even known. If there is nobody in Australia capable enough to make the meth on their own continent, they are in trouble.
Yeah, methheads aint the sharpest bulbs on the Christmas tree...or whatever that saying is..
Considering the prevalence of meth lab explosions, I would imagine a certain level of stupidity is a requirement for the job. Maybe importing it makes sense? Of course, you need the right plane... never mind, there may be no intelligent answer to Australia's meth shortage (at least not from the people who care about it).
so the alleged pilot planned for 6000 miles xContinent solo... and you guys are focusing on meth? :eek::eek:
The Cessna 210 is very popular with drug runners apparently.
I actually thought this thread was going to be about the TV show, and was prepared to start posting my theories!
Like his choice of airplanes,the DEA is going to have a new toy to play with.