Best airplane for $79.31


Final Approach
Apr 19, 2011
Olympic Peninsula
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I want to take 6 people with bags across the country at 280 knots with a 1500nm range. I may be able to swing $80 for acquisition, but my annual operating expenses cannot exceed $14
Boy oh boy, do I have an opportunity for you. There is some GORGEOUS waterfront property in downtown New York for sale. You've probably heard of it, but the owners want to keep the sale on the down low. So heres what I can do for ya, $93.31 for, are ya ready? The Brooklyn Bridge.

Better hurry.
I want to take 6 people with bags across the country at 280 knots with a 1500nm range. I may be able to swing $80 for acquisition, but my annual operating expenses cannot exceed $14

You're going to need a really long rope to get 280 knots in it. But you can carry it with six people no problem.
David, David, David.... you need to cut down on the Kodiak jungle juice.....:lol::lol::lol:
Dear Dave,

Thank you for this one. I saw the best plane for 35k and best plane for 25k threads and was trying to decide how snarky I could be with it. You've won the race to the hard deck!

Only question left: Are you going to fly it yourself, or do you need an ATP on staff with that?
Here ya go!

Didn't that win a Lindy at Oskosh a few years ago?

I do like the nose wheel protective device or is it a cowcatcher?


It won outstanding in the Ethiopian engineering contemporary class.
Dear Dave,

Thank you for this one. I saw the best plane for 35k and best plane for 25k threads and was trying to decide how snarky I could be with it. You've won the race to the hard deck!

Only question left: Are you going to fly it yourself, or do you need an ATP on staff with that?

I have Ebola, gonhorrea, syphilis, LBS, FOM syndrome along with full blown aids, and as such I cannot qualify for an FAA medical. I need to hire someone, possibly a former fighter pilot to fly the **** out of my $93.31 bridge.
Everclear punch the Alaskan fruit juice

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I have Ebola, gonhorrea, syphilis, LBS, FOM syndrome along with full blown aids, and as such I cannot qualify for an FAA medical. I need to hire someone, possibly a former fighter pilot to fly the **** out of my $93.31 bridge.

****, after you paid that much? I won't settle for anything less than an astronaut.
I have a paper airplane for only $1 that is eco friendly but has limited payload.
Naw! Never gonna be smokin wit teh David. 'member the smoked-meat deli-smellin' gurlfrend?
I want to take 6 people with bags across the country at 280 knots with a 1500nm range. I may be able to swing $80 for acquisition, but my annual operating expenses cannot exceed $14

I found one for you. PayPal me $39.95 and I'll send you the info. You pay the seller the balance.
I thought eman would have offered you a deal on his basket by now:rofl:
This is why this board drives people off. It is not unreasonable to buy a plane for $35k or $25k. I've owned two nice two seaters and paid less than $25k for either. I've flown a lot of hours in sub $25k planes, a whole lot.

I just thought we were trying to promote GA and be helpful here, not drive people
Off with being snobs at those just trying to get in the air because they can't afford a Cirrus or Bo.
This is why this board drives people off. It is not unreasonable to buy a plane for $35k or $25k. I've owned two nice two seaters and paid less than $25k for either. I've flown a lot of hours in sub $25k planes, a whole lot.

I just thought we were trying to promote GA and be helpful here, not drive people
Off with being snobs at those just trying to get in the air because they can't afford a Cirrus or Bo.

Just go ahead and buy the Bo. That's what you'll end up with anyway.

Or a Duke, because you'll look cool.
