BendixKing AeroVue Touch EFIS - Anyone Considering?


Oct 31, 2015
Monterey County
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Just curious if anyone is considering or has actually installed the new BendixKing AeroVue Touch?

Looks very promising. Less interested in the BK haters though contrary thoughts appreciated, and especially interested in any thoughts from pilots considering the AeroVue Touch.

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I'm thinking that "rubberized grip around the entire perimeter" might turn to sludge in about 5 years.
Less interested in the BK haters though contrary thoughts appreciated

One might call me a "BK hater" but it's not because I'm a hater in the traditional sense of the word, but because I have a lot of BK stuff in my panel that has been a royal pain in the ass and a LOT of money to keep it all running. For example, an overhaul exchange trim servo for my BK autopilot is $9,600 and you can't even get one for that price.

The support has been so bad that we are actively working to eliminate BK equipment from our plane... And it certainly isn't going to get any better now that BK alienated pretty much their entire dealer network.

Every year, I try to give BK another chance - I visit their booth at Oshkosh, I look at their stuff, and I ask questions. If anything, that has made me want their stuff even less. My KI-256 attitude indicator/flight director is slowly dying, and King announced a digital replacement for it in 2015 that *just a month ago* finally got certified, after having them promise it was "shipping in Q4" every year since 2015. (I'm not sure if it's actually shipping yet, though, I haven't heard of one being installed yet).

I'm all for healthy competition... But BK ain't it. My advice, as a BK owner? Stay far, far away.
does anybody know what the street price on it will be. i read 12,600 but is that just the unit or the whole system minus install. if its just the unit they are way out of the ballpark against garmin and dynon. even then its just a flight instrument package, dynon and garmin also have engine monitors also.
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I was told they are $12,600 for certified and $5500 for experimental plus installation. They are supposedly easier to install than Garmin, but I'm unaware of anyone who's installed them in a certified plane. I know of one unit installed in an experimental and the owner likes it.

Even with the disappointing history of BK leaving the GA market, still interesting for such a significant product launch how little is discussed about this panel.
Even with the disappointing history of BK leaving the GA market, still interesting for such a significant product launch how little is discussed about this panel.

Interesting product, yes, but at that price point, it had better bring something extra to the table to pull me away from what has become the gold standard - Garmin. It has been 15 years since anyone bragged about putting BK products in their panel.
It’s like someone told me 30 years ago about Collins radios: “You can buy better, but you can’t pay more!”