Battery Powered Plane


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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No not the toy ones.


the ElectraFlyer C cruises at 70 miles per hour. Top speed is 90 mph and the stall speed is 45. The plane can fly for 90 to 120 minutes before the battery needs recharging. When the battery winds down, just plug it into a 110V outlet -- your house is full of them -- and you're good to go in just more than six hours. Bump the voltage to 220 and you're flying again in two hours.

Kinda neat. Especially if it was in my hangar where the electricity is included in the rent!
I saw it at OSH. I say I saw it, because I never heard it. If the announcer hadn't mentioned it, I'd have never looked up and seen it.

Oh, and that 6 hour recharge? About $0.70, at current rates. That's .0007 AMU per flight!
You really need to calculate in the cost of battery replacement into that per hour figure.

I saw it at OSH. I say I saw it, because I never heard it. If the announcer hadn't mentioned it, I'd have never looked up and seen it.

Oh, and that 6 hour recharge? About $0.70, at current rates. That's .0007 AMU per flight!
You really need to calculate in the cost of battery replacement into that per hour figure.

Yep. And with a 90-minute range before the (minimum) 2-hour recharge, I'm thinking this is going to remain useful to only the local pleasure flyer.

With that said, it is encouraging to see somebody put an (other?) electric plane in the air. I'm not holding my breath, but it at least has the potential to challenge somebody else to shoot for 4 occupants @ 4 hours.
The topic was the price of the batteries in the referenced post. I suspect the "C" uses the same batteries, just more of them.


Please note that the prices on that page are for the trike not the "C" model that is the topic we are discussing. From just a quick look the motor on the "C" looks larger and I would assume needs bigger batteries.
The topic was the price of the batteries in the referenced post. I suspect the "C" uses the same batteries, just more of them.


Does it? There isn't anything on the site that I saw with that info. I mentioned it because even for the trike they have 3 different size batteries.