Baton Rouge shooting

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Not if you look at the actual outcome of criminal cases involving cops using excessive force, violating people's civil rights and stealing from people. Sure there is lots of media coverage and people blogging about **** on the internet but unfortunately there is a very small percentage of cops actually held accountable for the crimes they commit.

So, do I understand you to say that not only the LEO's are wrong in their actions, but the criminal justice system supports them by finding them not guilty when they are charged? Considering the fact that most of these situations are tried before a jury made up of regular 'folks', please provide your justification of that position.
...and consider the paramilitarization of departments...

Nope. Not a cop. Ever. Advocates arguing with a police officer on the side of the road. Decries "paramilitarization" of a police force which, in general has been a paramilitary organization since the 1850's. Uniforms, rank structure, standardized training and equipment, documented policies and procedures... police in this country ARE paramilitary, and have been for the majority of the existence of this country.

I think what you *meant* was the 'militarization' of police. Not paramilitarization. And even THAT is a bogus argument that largely advocates for an armed assailant to be afforded the opportunity to have better equipment than the police that are REQUIRED to stop them.

Here's an interesting article on why police officers aren't convicted more. The news flash is in the headline:
I have stayed out of this till this post. This is nonsense! There are very, very few "bad" cops. You know what you dealing with in 999 interactions out of 1000. You said former law enforcement, what department and what position for how long?
Not saying where. To many good friends still there and some things I won't talk about publicly.

I was a criminal patrol deputy assigned to a 5 man task force that worked focused patrol in areas of high crime. Narcotics, prostitution and property crimes where the general targets. I was a shift patrol deputy prior to that assignment.

Worked extra shifts in jail and court house to make extra cash.

I was sworn just under 4 years and honorably separated to go back to a full time flying job.

I sent you a pm as well
Nope. Not a cop. Ever. Advocates arguing with a police officer on the side of the road. Decries "paramilitarization" of a police force which, in general has been a paramilitary organization since the 1850's. Uniforms, rank structure, standardized training and equipment, documented policies and procedures... police in this country ARE paramilitary, and have been for the majority of the existence of this country.

I think what you *meant* was the 'militarization' of police. Not paramilitarization. And even THAT is a bogus argument that largely advocates for an armed assailant to be afforded the opportunity to have better equipment than the police that are REQUIRED to stop them.

Here's an interesting article on why police officers aren't convicted more. The news flash is in the headline:

I never advocated arguing on the side of the road.

You are correct that I used the wrong term when discussing how police forces have changed. Militarization would have been more accurate.

You are sort of right that I wasn't a cop. I was a deputy sheriff. In the USA.
So, do I understand you to say that not only the LEO's are wrong in their actions, but the criminal justice system supports them by finding them not guilty when they are charged? Considering the fact that most of these situations are tried before a jury made up of regular 'folks', please provide your justification of that position.
If you think that a jury finding someone innocent means they actually didn't commit the crime then you are too naive to have a legitimate conversation with in regards to this topic.
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Closed by MC vote. @jason warned you earlier in the thread.
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