Bad times for aircraft values???

Just had a conversation with my long time mechanic. He told me that more people then ever before are looking to sell their aircraft. He said that this included private owners and corporate owners. He went on to say that it is much worse now then in 2008-09 during the beginning of the recession.

My mechanic runs a shop that has 3 other A&P's and does a good business.

If this is not a local event then we could be looking at aircraft values dropping because of too many aircraft hitting the market at the same time.

I just had to renew my insurance and the insurance company said that my aircraft dropped in value by $20,000 in one year.
Wow and I am just looking to buy tell your friend that if he knows of anyone wanting to sell a t206h or 182 both 2008 or newer I am a buyer
I think I'm gonna do a Kitfox on amphibs and teach my dad to fly and use it to crew change hopefully. I'm in class with another dude who's been with the company 30 years who is into small planes and I asked him if there was room on the tug deck and he said "No, but there is plenty of room on the barge and cranes. I've brought my Bike." Crew change where I could fly directly to the boat would be so awesome. In my maritime career I have found only 2 hateful things, bucking into a sea in a fat boat and crew change. This is a barge that when loaded draws 38' so there is plenty of water to land around it, fold wings and attach the bridle, taxi up and hoist aboard. Usually it's hours and hours in the van...:nonod::nonod::nonod:
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In my area in exurban DC, we have the same situation, but because prices have stabilized and are increasing. Hammers are actually swinging to build new homes.

Well that is no surprise since that is the only place with money right now. 10 of the 12 richest counties in the U.S. surround Washington, D.C. That is the only place that has been resistant to the recession, with actual job growth.
Well that is no surprise since that is the only place with money right now. 10 of the 12 richest counties in the U.S. surround Washington, D.C. That is the only place that has been resistant to the recession, with actual job growth.

Just read through whole thread and when I read the DC post I wondered if anyone was going to reply to that. One more reason "leaders" in the beltway are out of touch. DC prospers with beaurocracy and the people suffer with it.
Wow and I am just looking to buy tell your friend that if he knows of anyone wanting to sell a t206h or 182 both 2008 or newer I am a buyer

If I see him, I'll ask.
Just read through whole thread and when I read the DC post I wondered if anyone was going to reply to that. One more reason "leaders" in the beltway are out of touch. DC prospers with beaurocracy and the people suffer with it.

Frederick County MD employment stats show 96% private farm and non-farm employment. 4% government. We're not a DC bedroom community.
Frederick County MD employment stats show 96% private farm and non-farm employment. 4% government. We're not a DC bedroom community.

Right because lobbyists are not govt employees. Sorry but your economic success is on looted gov't money.
Right because lobbyists are not govt employees. Sorry but your economic success is on looted gov't money.

My economic success is due to my own damn hard work. You are an offensive individual.
POA is no longer worth the time.
Er, I think he meant Frederick County Maryland's success, :confused: though I get the sense that POA was no longer worth his time prior to that comment...

My economic success is due to my own damn hard work. You are an offensive individual.
POA is no longer worth the time.
I don't get that either..

But I got it. Greg's "looted on gov't money" was incredible. (It also helps to read and understand the statement in Chip's signature. This link might help:

To understand what Greg was asserting (though he will no doubt not agree, or be surprised to see this analysis) suppose for a moment that someone was pushing a congressional bill that would require all aircraft pay a $100 per flight fee to cover the cost of some fancy new ATC system. Some of us get together to lobby to fight it. By doing that, we are now "looting" government money. Not our money, their money. I've made the situation easier to see by having the bill not yet passed, but the situation would be the same if our lobbiests were in there trying to roll back an already passed measure that was already funding government programs.

The fallacy of who is looting who is so ingrained that I can understand some of Chip's frustrations.

Are we in SZ territory yet?
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My economic success is due to my own damn hard work. You are an offensive individual.
POA is no longer worth the time.

Frederick county is not a bedroom community of DC. All those cars on I-270 in the morning are heading East for factory and farm jobs, not government or government contracting jobs.

BTW, the President disagrees with your statement.
Sounds like maybe he's a government contractor. Truth rang the bell too hard? ;)

Even if not... "hard work" wasn't the point. Where the money comes from was. Doesn't matter if it's a true government job, or a job paid for on a government contract. The money came from the ever growing debt pool.

Anyone else disgusted by the statistic about the counties above? Is it accurate?
10 of the 12 wealthiest counties in the U.S. surround Washington, D.C. They are living very well off of YOUR tax dollars.
True to the thread title:

pretty pitiful when you can't get 35k for this..
E-bay search number - 261070122053
When I saw the thread title, I thought..
Greatest understatement since Noah said "It looks like rain".
Frederick county is not a bedroom community of DC. All those cars on I-270 in the morning are heading East for factory and farm jobs, not government or government contracting jobs.

BTW, the President disagrees with your statement.
The president does not disagree with his statement.