Back on the mainland...


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 25, 2005
Olympia, Washington
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Ghery Pettit
Got back from our extended trip to Hawaii late last night (well, actually, very early this morning). 1st week was the IEEE International Symposium on EMC in Honolulu. Too much like work. I was on the committee and was at the convention center each morning by 7 AM (registration chair).

Got that week finished and my wife and I boarded NCL's Pride of Aloha for a week cruise around the islands. OK, I guess, but it would work better for someone who hadn't been to Hawaii before. We just visited places we've spent time at before and found ourselves wishing we were doing that again.

Now, on Thursday we stopped off Kona on the big island. I had a DA-20 reserved at Tropicbird Flying Service at KOA (, so while my wife headed off on a beach and snorkeling excursion, I took a taxi to the airport. The DA-20 was down for maintenance (100 hour inspection the previous week found stuff that needed fixing and parts were on order - darn!), so I flew one of their 172s with a new (to me) CFII. Nothing better to do, so we flew around the island. 2.4 hours on the Hobbs. The only pictures I took were of the vent where the lava has been flowing for quite some time. Nothing reaching the sea right now, an earthquake on Father's Day altered things a bit and the vent is refilling. However, we still saw red stuff inside.

If you are visiting Kona, I'd recommend these folks. This is the third time I've flown with them and I really like them. Best maintained planes I've flown in Hawaii, and they're great folks to share a cockpit with, as well. Don't know when we'll be back on the big island, but you know where I'll spend some quality time (and $$$) when we do return.


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