Aviation subliminal messages


Final Approach
Mar 14, 2005
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Recently, I have gotten into the habit of leaving my laptop on to play MP3's when I got to bed at night. It's just set to randomize all the MP3's on my computer - I haven't gotten the list filtered completely yet:

I woke up this morning around 3am after a very bizarre dream. I dreamed that I had won some sort of airplane giveaway and had won an older Seneca I. I went to get the plane, and after talking to my dad, decided that I could sell the plane, pay off student loans, and still have enough money to buy a small 'fun' plane (yeah, I know.. It was a DREAM). So as I'm feeling light and happy knowing that my student loans would be paid off, Dr. Bruce's voice slowly begins to become omnipresent. My mind eventually turned that into Dr. Bruce talking on a radio that was always playing near me - and he was talking about airplane stuff obivously - they were even talking about the Seneca I that had recently been given away! The dream continued with Dr. Bruce in the background and some random airplane events and then I suddenly woke up.

I roll over and when I come out of my daze, I realize that a PilotCast episode is playing on my laptop!! The reason I had been hearing Dr. Bruce's voice in my dream was that Dr. Bruce was talking on the PilotCast episode. The saddest thing was that I realized that my student loans were NOT going to be paid off and I hadn't just won a Seneca I. :(

I pressed 'Next' and quickly fell back asleep to Sweet Home Alabama. So if you ever have the desire to have airplane dreams, put an episode of PilotCast on in the background and dream to your heart's content.

is winning a Seneca I really "winning"??
Great one Chris!

I remember as a kid waking up from dreams of nuclear holocaust or tornadoes with my alarm clock buzzer standing in for the civil defense sirens.

Tony regularly has highly entertaining aviation dreams. He should write a book.

I had one where my Fly Baby was a 1 seat airship. That was a riot. I have that one and some of Tony's written down somewhere.

Sorry about the student loans :(
Well I suppose it could have been worse. You could of been dreaming of Rachel and when she whispered sweat nothings into your ears it was with Bruce's voice! :yikes::yikes:
it could be worse??? he won a Seneca I for crying out loud. how much worse can it get!?

is winning a Seneca I really "winning"??

Well, in my dream, I was going to sell it for $130,000 and pay off loans and get a 182RG, so yes, it was 'winning' something.......... in my dream. ;)

Great one Chris!

Sorry about the student loans :(

Necessary evil for us. Rachel and I both needed to go back to school and get it done in a hurry. There is no way we could have worked enough to pay for BOTH of our schools and still remain married and sane. Some folks are able to do it all, and kudos to them, but we chose not to go that direction. Yeah, we'll be in debt for a while, but for the past 3 years, we've been able to travel and enjoy adventures that we wouldn't have been able to otherwise.

OMG. I better stay quiet..... :eek:

Ha.. I knew you would get a kick out of that! It was bizarre to say the least...

is winning a Seneca I really "winning"??

Yeah, I was thinking that winning a Seneca I would be more of a nightmare although Chris had the right idea in selling it right away. Now if it had been a Seneca II or III, I could see getting excited about it.:D
Well, in my dream, I was going to sell it for $130,000 and pay off loans and get a 182RG, so yes, it was 'winning' something.......... in my dream. ;)

snort. now thats the stuff dreams are made of. pretty sure a 182RG is worth more than a Seneca I.
The thing I don't get is where the Seneca I part came from!? I'll have to listen to that Pilotcast and see if they were talking about a Seneca I or something. That's kinda lame that I won a giveaway in my dream and it was for a Seneca I!? Why not a P-51 or DC-3 or Caravan? A Seneca I!? Man, I suck at dreaming.. ha!
Nice dream, Chris. :)

My aviation-related dreams tend to involve me flying something that I have no experience or training in, and then having absolutely no idea what I'm doing and screwing up stupid simple things. In one dream we loaded 6 in my Aztec (prior to me having my MEL) to go to Maine or something like that and it was below minimums in night icing IMC. In another Tony let me borrow the 421 (go figure), and in a third my instructor told me to go pick him up in the Navajo (now that's a real go figure - he doesn't let anyone fly that plane, and once again I didn't have my MEL at the time).
Nice dream, Chris. :)

My aviation-related dreams tend to involve me flying something that I have no experience or training in, and then having absolutely no idea what I'm doing and screwing up stupid simple things. In one dream we loaded 6 in my Aztec (prior to me having my MEL) to go to Maine or something like that and it was below minimums in night icing IMC. In another Tony let me borrow the 421 (go figure), and in a third my instructor told me to go pick him up in the Navajo (now that's a real go figure - he doesn't let anyone fly that plane, and once again I didn't have my MEL at the time).

yea most of my dreams are about the same. i call it the Wile Coyote syndrome. Everything is going fine until you "look down" In the dreams Im flying along all hunky dory until i realize that I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM DOING. usually shortly after that i crash and/or wake up.

having dreams about crashing airplanes or watching airplanes crashes is the worst kind of nightmare i've ever had.
so Bruce - how does it feel to be in Chris's dreams?
yea most of my dreams are about the same. i call it the Wile Coyote syndrome. Everything is going fine until you "look down" In the dreams Im flying along all hunky dory until i realize that I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM DOING. usually shortly after that i crash and/or wake up.

having dreams about crashing airplanes or watching airplanes crashes is the worst kind of nightmare i've ever had.

A recurring theme in my piloting dreams is flying somewhere I would never go in real life that's scary as all heck. Examples I can recall are flying downtown between the tall buildings, in a rural area but below the tree canopy, under powerlines in an area where the wires are so dense that I can't find a way to get above them. I can also remember landing in the boatyard where I worked as a teenager (there's not really enough room to land there either).

My wife (who's father was also a pilot) had one vivid flying dream as a kid that involved putting the wings back on a Rockwell Lark (her dad actually had this plane in a disassembled and damaged state at their house once), pushing it off the side of the hill their house was on (about a 100 ft 45 degree drop in real life) and flying away with her grandmother as a passenger. I don't remember any other details of that one but I think there was some sort of emergency that the flight was in response to.
I dreamed I battled zombies. I kept finding guns with which to graphically shoot them, and I think I got a couple with a chainsaw too. They must have been alien zombies, or at least created by aliens, because I remember blasting a couple alien robots with a really big gun. As it ended we were driving by a city spectacularly in flames and my wife saying that Cincinnati had just gone up, and I said: "we head North". Then my boy dog woke me up.
LOL, When I was living in Avalon, I'd fall asleep with KLSX on the radio, and then they started with Howard Stern in the mornings and I'd wake up to bad dreams and in a foul mood... Changed radio stations and it was all better :D
I dreamed I battled zombies. I kept finding guns with which to graphically shoot them, and I think I got a couple with a chainsaw too. They must have been alien zombies, or at least created by aliens, because I remember blasting a couple alien robots with a really big gun. As it ended we were driving by a city spectacularly in flames and my wife saying that Cincinnati had just gone up, and I said: "we head North". Then my boy dog woke me up.

Sounds like you've played just a bit too much DOOM....
You, too, eh? I've had that dream more than once. Really annoying.

Ehhh.... Flying under power lines hasn't bothered me in a long time now.... I'm pretty content there actually....
It's funny, if you Google "flying dreams with power lines", it's a pretty common dream type, and one that seems to concern a lot of folks who want to know what it "means"...
yea most of my dreams are about the same. i call it the Wile Coyote syndrome. Everything is going fine until you "look down" In the dreams Im flying along all hunky dory until i realize that I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM DOING. usually shortly after that i crash and/or wake up.

having dreams about crashing airplanes or watching airplanes crashes is the worst kind of nightmare i've ever had.

The other night I had a dream that you and I were flying the Aztec, but for some reason neither of us had any clue what we were doing. Then I woke up - go figure.
The other night I had a dream that you and I were flying the Aztec, but for some reason neither of us had any clue what we were doing. Then I woke up - go figure.
You sure that was a dream and not you two at Gastons?
When one of my buddies was learning to fly he dreamed that he showed up for a lesson but the instructor wasn't around. The FBO let him take a plane out anyway so after a preflight insp. he started up and taxied out. Suddenly realizing that he hadn't learned to LAND yea he wisely chose NOT to take off but since he had the plane rented for a couple hours decided to taxy around some more. Pretty soon he taxied out the airport entrance onto the road and out toward the edge of town where there wouldn't be much traffic. After a couple hours of touring county gravel roads without incident he brought her back in to the airport, taxied out to the ramp, and tied her down.
I hunted through files and found my Fly Baby Airship dream. Tom in the story is Tom Burns a CFI airplane and glider who a member of BOTH Iowa glider clubs and has flown with Burt in Marfa. Tom is a grea guy and why I subjected him to this demented scenerio in my sleep is just one of those mysteries. I was in the midst of a major overhaul on my Fly Baby at the time. Imagine this http://www.bowersflybaby.com/tech/canopy.html hanging under a small blimp envelope...

Had this great dream last night. Tom had a Fly Baby Airship. It was a single seat homebuilt rigid airship with an egg-shaped envelope about the size of a large hot air balloon and a Fly Baby fuselage faired-in at the bottom as the gondola. There was a single glider type landing wheel in place of the conventional gear and blimp-like fins on the back of the envelope. You could see the outline of wood stringers running along the interior of the gasbag from nose to tail giving it a sort of plump cute zeppelin shape and the whole thing was painted yellow with blue trim like the classic navy stearmans.

Tom and a couple guys had got it as a project and were ready to test fly it. There were a lot of onlookers and ground crew when he lifted off and fired up the engine. It was pretty windy so he got up to speed right away to have good directional control. He was soon blazing around the pattern at quite a clip and I was wondering how in hell he was going to land it especially with all the wind. Pretty soon he started descending on a base leg and the ground crews got ready to snag the landing lines. We could see he was really having a tough time getting lined up on final and really wasn't slowing down at all. The ship went tearing by in a missed approach obviously way too fast to land. The next approach looked better but when the main wheel touched down it was still going at least 40 or 50 knots. We could see the elevator fins deflected downward as it passed, main wheel throwing up a cloud of dirt as it skidded and swerved violently. Just as the end of the runway was nearing the whole thing swerved off into the plowed field to the side and ground looped to a stop and keeled-over on it's side. The ground crews ran up and got a hold on the landing lines before the next gust snatched it back in the air.

As we hauled it back to the barn Tom was talking a blue streak and shaking like a leaf. "I could hardly control the thing! It was so sluggish you couldn't believe it! I'd put the stick hard over and floor the rudder pedal and it would barely start to turn. I'd open the door on that side AND stick my hand out with the notebook and eventually the drag would be enough it get it to turn. Right about then I'd have to do the same out the other side just to get it to STOP turning! If I let up on the power at all I'd start to lose what little control I had. I was really getting worn out!"

There were only a few cracked longitudinal members on the envelope and some torn fabric to patch. As the sun was setting I suggested that maybe the thing to do would be to fly it more like a gas balloon with ballast and venting and trying to fly it a lot slower. "The thing is", Tom said, "if we fly it at neutral buoyancy and use the aerodynamic lift to ascend and descend I can fly it under Lite Sport Category. But, if we start venting and ballasting like a gas balloon I'll have to get a lighter-than-air ticket which is a big hassle.
You sure that was a dream and not you two at Gastons?

You know, there was a feeling of deja vu during the dream.