Aviation Clothing

Do you personally own a Pilots Of America Bag, Towel, Hat, Jacket, or Shirt?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 8.9%
  • No

    Votes: 23 29.1%
  • I did not even know POA sold bags and towels and hats and clothes.

    Votes: 57 72.2%

  • Total voters


Final Approach
Jun 9, 2011
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Though I bought a nice, embroidered, blue T-Shirt at 6Y9 - I have not yet worn it. I will probably save it for POA fly-ins.

During my meeting / cross country flight with Mari however, I noticed that my home airport (Petaluma) was selling some cute women's shirts at the Two Niner Diner - where we had lunch together. All of the waitresses were wearing them and so I bought one:


How much aviation clothing do you own? This will be my first (well after 6Y9).
Myself, when I'm out an about, I normally wear my leather WWII type flying jacket over my aviation themed Hawaiian shirt.

I wear aviation cargo pants with extra pockets I've had my tailor add, and of course my flying boots. I think my leather flying helmet stuffed in my epaulets lends a smart look to the entire ensemble. The crowning touch, of course, is my white flying scarf.

I can tell by the way people look enviously at the way I am dressed, even in August, that they know for sure that I'm a very important pilot. Just to make sure though, I have several sets of gold wings pinned here and there, and some silver stars on my epaulets.

I know everyone at my FBO is impressed because they always smile when I walk in.

I don't want to overdo it, so I wear black socks.

Crap. Just realized I also own a powder puff pilot aviatrix shirt - but when it came in the mail I didn't like the way the neck looked and how see through it was - so I've never worn it.

It ain't fancy (the store, I mean).

The logo is embroidered, actually very nicely done. I'm wanting to say it's something like 4" across?

Ask Mari - she got a real nice jacket, IIRC.
I'm not going to list everything I own because that would be just too many, but this is my favorite:

It ain't fancy (the store, I mean).

The logo is embroidered, actually very nicely done. I'm wanting to say it's something like 4" across?

Ask Mari - she got a real nice jacket, IIRC.

That makes me want to add a poll. I bet people didn't even know we could support POA like that.
I didn't. But shirt ordered. Need more work shirts anyway. Polo's... The unofficial "nice" Unix admin wear. :)

No PoA NOMEX underwear for flame -fests though? ;)

Maybe the link detects if you've turned on the Spin Zone. :rofl:
I'm a "got the shirt" junkie, so I have lots of aviation shirts.
in a perfect world i would have a vintage sailplane t-shirt for every day of the week.
I have a couple of Angel Flight shirts and an AF sweatshirt, an AOPA ASN shirt or two, a couple of Wings Over Edenton T-shirts, a SouthWings shirt, -- all from various volunteer flying gigs. Plus, now, a couple of Air Race Classic shirts. The flying wardrobe depends on the mission and the temperature. For winter, I like a warm vest, plus very comfortable shoes. Every time I've been near one of those women's aviation T-shirt displays by Women Fly and WAI, I've asked them why, when they're marketed at WOMEN pilots, why are all their cute designs printed on MEN's underwear, with short sleeves that reach my elbows and those ugly round-necks? I've pointed out that there are such things as women's T-shirts with scoop necks, V-necks, boat necks, differential cut, and cap sleeves. They're no more expensive, but every time I mention that, they say, "Oh, what a good idea," and at next year's show they have a whole new collection of cute designs- on cheap men's underwear. Again. Sigh.
Overall, not a fan of clothing emblazoned with stuff representing my hobbies.

I own 2 aviation t-shirts...
One is the EAA chapter t-shirt we're supposed to wear when we're representing at an event. (I wouldn't be caught dead in it elsewhere.)

The other bears this design (just one, not four) - which I thought was kind of clever and bought long before we'd ever heard of the movie. I seldom wear it - the movie ruined it. :rolleyes:

but when it came in the mail I didn't like the way the neck looked and how see through it was...

That's not see-through, that's very high-tech fabric specially designed to save weight. All the cool lady pilots are wearing them. :)
I can wear a different OSH golf shirt every day of the week, and sometimes I do. A lot of my clothes are related to aviation, and they tend to spark conversations with non-flyers. Some of them end up becoming flyers as a result.
Overall, not a fan of clothing emblazoned with stuff representing my hobbies.

I own 2 aviation t-shirts...
One is the EAA chapter t-shirt we're supposed to wear when we're representing at an event. (I wouldn't be caught dead in it elsewhere.)

The other bears this design (just one, not four) - which I thought was kind of clever and bought long before we'd ever heard of the movie. I seldom wear it - the movie ruined it. :rolleyes:


~~~~~~~~. What movie?
I have a FAAsteam shirt, and some shirts from Women Fly, and the one from Ladies love taildraggers. Kevin, my husband, bought me a nice flight jacket for Christmas when I got my instrument ticket, and I do have one of those "remove before flight" red sleep shirts. I have been thinking of having Tshirts made with my flight school logo on it to give to the students who solo after I cut up there shirt but haven't dine it yet
I'm not going to list everything I own because that would be just too many, but this is my favorite:


Oooooo, I like that one. I have seen one that says BAD ATTITUDE on it and it's an attitude indicator that's tumbled
Doesn't look like much of a movie to me, think I'll skip it
My current favorite aviation shirt is a Relentless NXT shirt..

I try very hard not to dress to make a statement. Most of the time I'm successful, but sometimes not so. It starts with the "T" shirt though, so I never wear a "T" shirt that has anything on it. I started that when I realized that I was becoming a walking Harley Davidson advertisement, and I owned a Suzuki.
Oooooo, I like that one. I have seen one that says BAD ATTITUDE on it and it's an attitude indicator that's tumbled

Yeah that that one as well but I wont want to buy it, people that are not pilots would not understand. So it's one of those shorts that you can wear to very specific events.
I do not own any PoA gear but have been intending on placing an order for a long time....I suppose now would be a good time.
I'm not one for wearing aviation clothes. My first post on this thread were just flat out lies. I know most of you took me seriously, but no, I was indeed lying.

However, I did not know POA offered such stuff, and in the interest of possibly helping out a little, I just now purchased on of those club jackets. I ordered the black one.

I probably will not wear it all that much..... unless I'm out trolling for chicks. :goofy:

Ha Nate! My chicks with guns! I am honored.

I usually fly in jeans, and a polo shirt or old sweater in the winter. The only logo I have is a hat from an old scuba diving trip I took.