Audio recorder for video


Oct 19, 2016
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This has been discussed peripherally before, but...

I'm looking for suggestions for an audio recorder to work with the "lav mike in the headset earcup" setup. I want to do it this way because my cameras don't pick up much but wind noise (open cockpit airplane); I want some ambient and engine noise to make it interesting, plus radio and intercom conversation.

I bought a cheap lav mike, put it the earcup, and hooked it to my tablet (I don't carry the tablet all the time, I'd use my phone but it doesn't support recording with an external mike. It worked fine until I opened the throttle for takeoff, then it was overdriven and useless. So, I guess what I need is a dedicated audio recorder, but presumably it needs adjustable gain for recording. Unless decent ones simply have good noise rejection?

So, what are others using? Should I add that I don't want to spend too much?-
Thanks... assuming it's the same Zoom that makes or made modems and routers, I always had good results with their stuff. Can you adjust the gain, or have you had the overdriving issue I was experiencing?

Edit, nevermind, I see "input level" buttons on the picture in your amazon link.

Do you record in stereo or just one side?
I have had one of the early SONY PX series digital recorders for more than a decade (looong before the GoPro). It has been rock solid reliable. I plug in into the a free headset plug or into the same plug I'm using with a simple splitter. I the sound quality is much better that way but it works with the earphone in dome too.
I have a Tascom digital recorder. Just stick a lapel microphone in the earpiece of a headset. Tascom can do stereo or mono high quality recordings.
NFlightcam has an audio cable that plugs into the aircraft, plugs into your headset and goes into your recording device of choice (iPad should work fine)
I tried a borrowed adapter cable (not sure if it was the NFlight or something else) and it didn't work, I forget exactly but it prevented either my radio or intercom from working. But I'm not looking to do that now; as I said previously I'm going to use the mike in the earcup thing, because I WANT [some] ambient noise to be picked up by the mike, as the camera audio is useless due to all the wind noise.

I'll probably go with the Zoom Bryan mentioned (or the newer H1n model); it's more than I planned to spend but it has a good reputation and has recording volume controls unlike all of the cheaper ones.
I’m looking for something I can connect to my pma450b via Bluetooth and record. Suggestions?