ATC Board / Flight Progress strips


Filing Flight Plan
Aug 10, 2016
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I'm a private pilot and I was always fascinated with the concept of flight progress strips used at ATC. We reinvented the concept of this system for home use and we are bringing it to Kickstarter; I would love to get your feedback.

I'd love to comment but I don't have the foggiest as to what Kickstarter is, let alone what you would be using it for at home. is one of the largest crowdfunding sites.
Since I joined this forum today, I cannot post links until I have 5 posts.
You can find our project there searching for ATC or IOMAA, or let's just exchange a few posts until the restriction is lifted and I can post pictures of the product we developed.
I don't have so much to do at home that I need a flight progress strip to accomplish all tasks necessary but hey, whatever blows yer dress up. :dunno:
I'm sorry, I misunderstood the rules -- the pictures are allowed



I put all of that on a calendar on the fridge. Friends more hi tech than I use their smart phones for scribbling notes. Others use a Rolodex.

Good luck with it but I think there are several options out there that duplicate what you're doing. Maybe we'll see you on Shark Tank!
I put all of that on a calendar on the fridge. Friends more hi tech than I use their smart phones for scribbling notes. Others use a Rolodex.

Well, of course. This is clearly about style rather than solving a functional problem that no one has been able to solve before. It's a neat aviation hook.
I could see Sporty's selling something like this. Neat concept.
If I wanted to do something like that I'd just steal them from work. Ya'll have fun now..y'hear?
For me it's mostly about the functionality, the style is secondary. The entire structure was designed in functionality in mind. There is something unique about making notes in this manner and a good reason the system is used throughout the aviation industry: the task is there until it's removed, which is the key feature of the flight progress strips, and of course this system as well.

Sportys -- thanks, that may be a perfect place for it. We started the campaign yesterday, raised $5.5K in one day, but we have a long way to go. Once we have the manufactured product in hand we will definitely talk to them.
Silly me. I've been keeping my to do list on a small whiteboard and adding or erasing as things come up or get done. How have I managed to get anything done?

I'm a private pilot and I was always fascinated with the concept of flight progress strips used at ATC. We reinvented the concept of this system for home use and we are bringing it to Kickstarter; I would love to get your feedback.

I had a boss that used the 3M school of mgmt for his projects. Kept them in order of importance along one edge of his desk. Every once in a while we would move them around before he came in in the morning.
I could see Sporty's selling something like this. Neat concept.
There are business mgmt companies that sell portfolio binders with slots for project cards. Exec assistant fills in the cards and sets up the boss's binder for the day to keep the boss on track and informed.
Silly me. I've been keeping my to do list on a small whiteboard and adding or erasing as things come up or get done. How have I managed to get anything done?
Have an electronic "white board" and electronic calendar "to do" list on the computer at work. No matter where I log in from, I can always get to my tasks. I don't have to be in "my" office to see my white board. Everything I need is on the network.
When I was ATC we threw them at the other guy/girl working the other sector for a crappy handoff! :)

That's how we MADE handoffs. Don't think I'd get one of these. It would happen something like this. "Well ya see doc, I was just sittin there mindin my own business surfin POA when this strip holder whupped me up side the head corner first. It had 'take out the effing garbage' on it. How many stitches did you say that was gonna be?"
Perhaps I can cut a hole in my office floor so that when I finish one strip it can shoot down to the kitchen for my wife to process.
Jokers like these always show up with a brand new username and a campaign to milk the public of money. Free advertisement on mismanaged boards that allow such tactics. Even CraigsList bans these. *rolleyes*
Where are the Chinese again with their ads for knockoff purses and $20 Breitling watches? Why did we kick them out?? :D
big expensive honey-do list with a targeted market. I've committed mine to memory. Too bad I have CRS. Then again if it is really worth doing, it's worth doing NOW.
big expensive honey-do list with a targeted market. I've committed mine to memory. Too bad I have CRS. Then again if it is really worth doing, it's worth doing NOW.
You need Ginko Viagra then...helps you remember what the f--k you're doing.