Aopa board down?


Filing Flight Plan
Dec 4, 2013
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John Lucas
Ru guys having trouble trying to get into aopa forums
Yes I also have trouble getting into not only just AOPA forums but the AOPA website as well.
Word on the street is................. The AOPA server is mounted in the belly of a Boeing 777.........;)........:D
Tried to log on a few times in the last month. Never worked.
I haven't been able to log on since I quit sending them money years ago.
I hear some disgruntled POA guys stole a 777 and crashed it into the AOPA building.
Seems to work fine for me.
Ru guys having trouble trying to get into aopa forums

A while back I was using their Airplane Partnership site, only to not be able to send messages. I complained, then later was told they discontinued the service.
Seems the AOPA board has been down all day again today. At least I couldn't get on the two times I've tried.

If so...there certainly is an interesting level of incompetence over there.
For the newbie like myself, what's the reason behind the animosity towards AOPA? Is any of their services worth the membership or am I a sucker for joining?

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For the newbie like myself, what's the reason behind the animosity towards AOPA? Is any of their services worth the membership or am I a sucker for joining?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What you get for your money is for you to decide the value of. I personally think AOPA is fighting too many of the wrong fights, and takes the wrong position for GA on many matters of importance. As for animosity, meh, it's the Internet, it's either pictures of cute kittens, porn, or someone hating on something, animosity is normal. If it weren't for the AOPA board, this one wouldn't exist.
For the newbie like myself, what's the reason behind the animosity towards AOPA? Is any of their services worth the membership or am I a sucker for joining?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I've had good luck with their insurance division. I used to be a member because of the flight planner and the insurance. I'm down to just insurance.
Send more money. Never found the board to be very helpfull.
Possibility they tried to fix some vulns in PHP and ended up with a mess on their hands. Or they were mitigating the heart bleed bug and a patch went sideways.

When you are juggling 20 balls because your finance guy thinks he knows how to run an IT shop, well every so often one of them balls hits the floor. :rolleyes:
Possibility they tried to fix some vulns in PHP and ended up with a mess on their hands. Or they were mitigating the heart bleed bug and a patch went sideways.

When you are juggling 20 balls because your finance guy thinks he knows how to run an IT shop, well every so often one of them balls hits the floor. :rolleyes:

Keepin a vbulletin install running ain't rocket surgery.
Keepin a vbulletin install running ain't rocket surgery.

Seems to me.. The last annual financials I read for AOPA showed the IT person raking in 300,000 a year...:redface:
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Seems to me.. The last annual financials I read for AOPA showed the IT person racking in 300,000 a year...:redface:

A $20/month linode account and an "as needed" high school kid at $15/hr would do it. I'd budget maybe $2,000/year if I was feeling generous and had to ink it on an IT budget.
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Both the AOPA website and AOPA Forums are down again right now. I cannot get access to both websites.
Seems to me.. The last annual financials I read for AOPA showed the IT person raking in 300,000 a year...:redface:

Does he _just_ do IT, or is IT just a "side" job? How many employees does AOPA have anyhow?