Anyone have this gauge?


Final Approach
Nov 4, 2015
Vail, Arizona
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If so, how do you like it? I'd like to have something to give me the OAT without trying to read the unicorn stub on my Cherokee. I can't see that thing at night anyway and the added carb temp is a bonus.
I've got OAT on my engine monitor. Works great.
The EI ASC-5A Super Clock has an OAT too.
If so, how do you like it? I'd like to have something to give me the OAT without trying to read the unicorn stub on my Cherokee. I can't see that thing at night anyway and the added carb temp is a bonus.

Not that one in particular, but I do have one on my clock, does volts as well. Carb temp is on the G1 insight. Still that IS a useful gauge to have :)
Wait, are you saying that there is no iPhone app to tell you the OAT??????? Oh the horror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Seriously, though, I have the "unicorn stub" (love your reference) on my Cherokee and am perfectly fine with it.
old school mechanical OAT on my pilot side air vent

Don't have a carb, so not carb concerns.

Works well

Looking to replace all my factory Cessna engine gauges with a EI all in one, doubt I'd bother to plumb and run wires for a digital OAT, the mechanical one works just fine.
It's okay during daylight hours but at night I have to use a flashlight to read it since it isn't illuminated and my eyes aren't getting any younger.