Anyone have any experience with Corban 35?


Jun 29, 2013
New Bern, NC
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El Conquistador
My new Arrow has no apparent corrosion and I would like to keep it that way. The Arrow spent most of it's life in the desert SW. Now it is eastern NC. In the past I have used Corrosion X but I have been hearing good things about Corban 35.
In the past I have used Corrosion X but I have been hearing good things about Corban 35.
You can't quite compare the two as they are different types of CPC: X is oil film and 35 is a hardcoat. Each type have their own pros/cons when it comes to application, application requirements, end results, workability, etc. But from my experience with offshore helicopters just about every operator has gone to an oil type CPC over a hardcoat for a number of reasons but mainly for ease of application and workability. And most have switched to X from ACF 50.
You can't quite compare the two as they are different types of CPC: X is oil film and 35 is a hardcoat. Each type have their own pros/cons when it comes to application, application requirements, end results, workability, etc. But from my experience with offshore helicopters just about every operator has gone to an oil type CPC over a hardcoat for a number of reasons but mainly for ease of application and workability. And most have switched to X from ACF 50.

And yet the NAVY is still using grade 4 Paralkatone
I work for NAVAIR in a materials lab, but not in the corrosion branch and they have turned hard to the Corban 35, which has caused me to reevaluate using Corrosion X in my own aircraft. I was looking at the Corban 35 because it is a hardcoat and may present a longer lasting solution. Plus I object to the weeping at the seams that happens with Corrosion X. I know that the seam weeping has a good purpose but a non-tacky hardcoat might prevent the accumulation of dirt that I see with the Corrosion X. Currently, there does not appear to be any CPC on the aircraft so I am stating with a clean slate, as it were. I was just looking to see if anyone had any first hand experience with the Corban product.
And yet the NAVY is still using grade 4 Paralkatone
On bolts, castings, etc. sure. But I haven't seen any Black Bear painted interior panels in eons and then those were mostly Stearman dusters.

I know that the seam weeping has a good purpose
Each CPC has is niche use. But if you have Corr X weeping from seams it was applied too heavily. The only problem I've seen with hardcoat products was maintaining surface integrity after maintenance or other actions that disturb the product.