Anyone ever just take a month or two fly around the country


Jun 29, 2013
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With no particular destination in mind. Wake up and say I think I will head South today the weather looks good, tomorrow maybe West. Make a plan and go.

I am thinking I would really like to do this at some point in something low and slow like a Champ or a Cub.

If you have and have pictures or video please post.
No. I have this thing called a job.
Somewhat, years ago, west coast to east coast and back.
With no particular destination in mind. Wake up and say I think I will head South today the weather looks good, tomorrow maybe West. Make a plan and go.

I am thinking I would really like to do this at some point in something low and slow like a Champ or a Cub.

If you have and have pictures or video please post.
Not exactly, but we plan to soon. (See my ID :D)

But we did something close. We took a 10 day trip where we flew our 172 from Florida to the Southern base of the Mississippi river. (Actually we started at Vicksburg because we have been to New Orleans many times). From there the plan was to fly north along the Mississippi and land anywhere that looked interesting. We would have dinner and maybe check in to a Hotel, or we would just saddle up and fly some more. If we liked the place we would stay and extra day. If it wasn't exciting we would fly further North until we found some place interesting. When we ran out of time, or if the weather looked like it was going to be a problem, we would head straight back home, stopping in some more interesting places along the way. It was a fun trip, but our next one is going to be much longer and much less structured. We will probably just look at the winds at altitude and go wherever they take us farthest fastest. Who knows, we might end up in Maine or Oregon or San Diego.
It's interesting you say that because I seem to recall you doing just that once...

It was a 12 day trip.

Funny thing, that's the last vacation I took that wasn't just a long weekend. It's been 10 years come this summer.
I've always thought it would be fun to do that. It's certainly a plan when I retire.
Re: Anyone ever just take a month or two fly around the country

I have not, but man would I love to! I am hoping I can get some extra time off of work around Oshkosh time and do some state hopping instead of flying straight there and back.

Ed that looks like an awesome trip you made in the Cherokee. I would so love to do that. I am enjoying going through your website. You made a comment in one of the pre trip pages that you were going to video the trip. I just see your still pictures on the website. Is there any video on YouTube or some other site? I have to say I'm a bit jealous. Maybe one day I can have the spare time for a trip like that.
Re: Anyone ever just take a month or two fly around the country

I have not, but man would I love to! I am hoping I can get some extra time off of work around Oshkosh time and do some state hopping instead of flying straight there and back.

Ed that looks like an awesome trip you made in the Cherokee. I would so love to do that. I am enjoying going through your website. You made a comment in one of the pre trip pages that you were going to video the trip. I just see your still pictures on the website. Is there any video on YouTube or some other site? I have to say I'm a bit jealous. Maybe one day I can have the spare time for a trip like that.

Nope. I didn't even bring the video camera. I'm thinking about doing another similar trip if I keep the Comanche. And since I just had to dump another $5k into it...
I will retire in two years.

On my wall is a map of the USA with 28 stops on it. I plan to fly 2-3 hours in the morning and spend that day and the next in the new location and then move on. For places where I have family or someplace like Yellowstone I plan a couple more days. If the weather is bad or if it is good where I am and I like it I'll stay another day.

All I need now is a sponsor like a hotel chain and maybe an avgas company but if not I will have the money in the bank.
Steve counts did it with his son in a Stearman. Book is called " the canibal queen" good read. ( he also wrote " flight of the intruder".
interesting that you should post this. I've been thinking about, you know, flyin around for a bit. I have the luxury of being able to work form home, or 'remotely' is more like it. I've been kicking around the idea of flying somewhere, working from the hotel, sight seeing, maybe for a coupl'a days, then moving on to the next location. obviously the main problem is I'm a renter, although I think I can get past that. other problem is money, but I'm not thinking I'd go to the most popular places at their peak times. would also be nice to get some offers from friends to stay at their place here and there. we shall see.
Got a ride in a powered parachute that was owned by a retired guy who lived with his wife in a RV. Just drove around the country towing his flying machine stopping, staying and flying wherever. He flew in the morning and evening, spent the rest of the time being a tourist with his wife. If I was going to do it I'd throw a sailing canoe and a dirtbike on the RV and that'd be perfect. Not the same as barnstorming the country in a plane, a lot more civilized.
retired guy

If I was going to do it I'd throw a sailing canoe and a dirtbike on the RV and that'd be perfect. Not the same as barnstorming the country in a plane, a lot more civilized.

My version is similar. Toy hauler RV, put the street bike, a windsurfer, and a hang glider in the back. Head out to wherever.....
After reading through this thread, it prompted the idea of creating a thread for my favorite sights and airports in my home state. I hope others will follow by doing the same for their home state and other states where they have knowledge of great sights and airports to visit. If we all pitch in and share our local knowledge it will provide a great resource for other pilots when they are planning cross country trips through these areas.
Did a 15 day trip with destination of Alaska,then on the way home stopped at Osh and then just bounced around. Usually take a week long trip to anywhere several times a year.
Nope. I would one day like to that but right now I'm a poor college student/CFI.