Any Senior or Fellow Members of the IEEE


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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For some reason after all these years I feel like putting in the application for Sr. member status so I can get the cooler membership pin. I need one more person to sponsor me but even though I go to all kinds of IEEE functions it seems hardly anyone else has bothered with the paperwork.

any Sr. members in the area please advise:D:D
I knew a founding member of IEEE (really) but alas, he's gone. Great guy.
I am a Senior Member of the IEEE. Are you SURE you want me to provide a recommendation? :D
I'm an ex-member of IEEE, a big Senor Wences fan, and also a fellow. Close enough?
The real question is... Is Scott worthy of a classier pin? :)
I am a Senior Member of the IEEE. Are you SURE you want me to provide a recommendation? :D
Would ya? Can you PM me your member number?

I'll fill out the online app in the next few days and then email you the recommendation form along with my official bio so it will be easy to fill out.
Ah, yes, I've never bothered to apply to be a Senior member, either. Even though a couple of folks suggested that I should do so long ago. 25+ years as a member....

Sounds like you've got what you need from Ghery.
Ah, yes, I've never bothered to apply to be a Senior member, either. Even though a couple of folks suggested that I should do so long ago. 25+ years as a member....

Sounds like you've got what you need from Ghery.

My card for next year just arrived in the mail. Valued IEEE member for 35 years. I can't be THAT old, can I?
My application is being staff reviewed, the last step before being declared complete and sent to the committee for review and approval. Geesh heck of a lot of work jus tto send me a plaque. ;)
My application is being staff reviewed, the last step before being declared complete and sent to the committee for review and approval. Geesh heck of a lot of work jus tto send me a plaque. ;)

and a fancier pin:D
My application is being staff reviewed, the last step before being declared complete and sent to the committee for review and approval. Geesh heck of a lot of work jus tto send me a plaque. ;)
If it's a plaque you want, I'm sure I can dig up a piece of something around here and draw something on it?


I knew I could do it! :)
Scott, I hacked into your computer this morning. Can you explain this error message?

and a fancier pin:D

With the outrageous fees charged for IEEE membership pins I haven't bothered. An I've been a Senior Member for a loooong time. I have my student member pin and the one I got when I was a section chairman. Can't wear either now.
I have been lucky enough to be able to charge back my dues to my company. Since they are the only reason that I am a member I think it fair that they pay for it. I just had a paper accepted for publication and it will look nice I suppose that I have been a member since the the mid 1980's in the bio section.
I have been lucky enough to be able to charge back my dues to my company. Since they are the only reason that I am a member I think it fair that they pay for it. I just had a paper accepted for publication and it will look nice I suppose that I have been a member since the the mid 1980's in the bio section.

My card for this year says valued IEEE member for 35 years. Ouch!
That's the group of people who make it hard to "keep up with the Jones'" :)

As soon as you get one speed for wireless, they establish another and you're behind the times before you even pay for the product! Or, you could just think of them as the... Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

That's the group of people who make it hard to "keep up with the Jones'" :)

As soon as you get one speed for wireless, they establish another and you're behind the times before you even pay for the product! Or, you could just think of them as the... Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.


The largest professional society in the world. Just think - nerds are us! :D