Annoying People on Commercial Airplanes


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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How to deal with that annoying person on the plane
If you are sitting next to someone who irritates
you on a plane, train or bus...
1. Quietly and calmly open up your laptop case.
2. Remove your laptop and start it up.
3. Make sure the person who won't leave you alone
can see the screen.
4. Open your email to this message.
5. Close your eyes and with an expression of absolute
content, tilt your head up to the sky.

6. Then hit this link:
Scott you are just too much. funny as hell but then you'd spend some time with the fine folks at TSA
You get internet on flights now?

On some, mostly international carriers.

BUT Not UAL!! You cannot even get 12VDC in coach and in some seat in first. Geesh it is like traveling back in time to the 80's when you fly in their death tubes. At least American has 12vdc in the front of coach on their planes and about every third row once you get into the back of the back.

Can you tell I am not happy about the switch to UAL my company made this year?? The only thing UAL really is doing better than AA is that they gave me a fist full of free drink coupons. PARTY! Because when you have an upset customer you would want him to drink :yes::wineglass::goofy:
Yeah, but UAL has "channel 9". Nobody else has ATC on the headphones....

American Airlines 737s do out of Chicago. I was listening to ATC all the way into Minniapolis. I'm not sure about thier international flights though.
from what I hear, UAL has particularly fast and smooth flights from Chicago to the Orient, at least a few times a month.
Since I seem to have picked up a bad cold from someone on a commercial flight recently, I will be more than delighted to return the favor if I still have a cold on the next one. :hairraise:

Pass it along, I say. :rolleyes:

(Just kidding, of course, 'cause I don't need no stinking blocked ears or ear infection).
just wait until they begin allowng cellphones in flight.
from what I hear, UAL has particularly fast and smooth flights from Chicago to the Orient, at least a few times a month.

There are several flight on multiple airlines from Chicago to the far east every single day. You would be surprised at the amount of people going to and coming from Asia each day.
There are several flight on multiple airlines from Chicago to the far east every single day. You would be surprised at the amount of people going to and coming from Asia each day.

He was referring to Greg with his smooth flights.
It is too bad I don't have a lap top I could try that as I am flying down to Gastons with the good Dr. Bruce. What do you think he would do? Probably throw me out with my computer in hand. That is funny. Where in the world do you guys come up with that stuff? Bob
It is too bad I don't have a lap top I could try that as I am flying down to Gastons with the good Dr. Bruce. What do you think he would do? Probably throw me out with my computer in hand. That is funny. Where in the world do you guys come up with that stuff? Bob

He'd laugh. I'm sure he's already seen this thread.
Bo Grace did a cartoon about ten years ago back when the strip was called "Ernie":


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The most annoying person is the one that tries to save the baggage fee buy stuffing his/her entire life into the overhead. These folks take forever to unload too. You wait and wait while they get their crap together and clear the isle. It sucks.
Necroposting. And it's not even Scott.:rolleyes:

This time... :D

Yet more work for the tech guy, but I would love resurrected threads to be displayed in an unusual color so it is obvious before you click that no one has posted for >6mo.