An Odd Thing on the G1000 Moving Map


Touchdown! Greaser!
Apr 1, 2007
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Richard Palm
Last week I was flying a G1000-equipped rental 182, and I noticed that the moving-map display on the MFD had a magenta line that made a complete circle around San Jose International Airport (SJC), and that in places, it was outside where I was used to seeing the lateral limits of class C airspace for that airport. The display did not show floor-and-ceiling numbers in the areas that I did not remember as class C, but when I moved the cursor to highlight the circular line, then floor-and-ceiling numbers popped up. Has anyone else seen this?

I just checked the current charts on both Skyvector and Foreflight, and they don't show that circle. I'm wondering if maybe the database supplier has started displaying the class C outer area or something like that.

I wish I had thought to take a picture of it.
I wouldn't expect those to be displayed in magenta.
I think they are supposed to be kind of a purple-red. That's pretty close to magenta.
On the screen, the color was identical to what was displayed for the class C boundaries.
Here's the "naked" SJC Class C. Help any? If not, how about an approximate location? I can try it o the G1000 trainer.

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Dumb idea maybe here.... Might contact one of the CFI's on duty that day from the FBO and see if they saw something?
Here's the "naked" SJC Class C. Help any? If not, how about an approximate location? I can try it o the G1000 trainer.

View attachment 88172

The black circle shown below is an approximation of the location. (The color and line width were indistinguishable from those of the actual class C boundaries.) The plane is equipped with the NXi version of the G1000, so I looked on both the G1000 NXi trainer and the non-NXi version. Neither shows the "extra airspace."

If it's still there the next time I fly that airplane, I'll take a picture. (That won't be for another six weeks or so, because it's an expensive plane to fly.)

KSJC Class C Depiction.png