Almost The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Almost....

Q. Where to Scotsmen travel to for sex tourism?

A. New Zealand.
Q. Where to Scotsmen travel to for sex tourism?

A. New Zealand.
Of course this is a joke. There is a fair bit of sheep ranching in north central Colorado. They import shepards from Spain. I kid you not.

edit: and you really don't want to meet their dogs...
My wife and I went to see the Chili Pipers when they played in Connecticut. It was a fun show if you happen to like bagpipes (I do).
I seen them in Ohio over a year ago, at the Celtic Festival (same location of the Ohio Renaissance Festival). I thought it was a very good show.
We had a bagpiper in my dorm when I was an undergrad. He played in a concrete room in the basement. We could hear him on the 9th floor. Loud things.

Why do bagpipers march?

Harder to hit a moving target.

Why do bagpipers always wear kilts?

A sheep can hear a zipper at 20 miles​