All four major over-the-air networks have a 737 LUAW


Final Approach
May 3, 2010
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So the Pope is leaving Cuba for the US and since 12 noon (for the last half hour) all four major news networks, at least here in Miami, have been showing nothing but the Alitalia 737 taxiing around on the ramp and then line up and wait. Oh wait, it just took off. Now that's compelling journalism.
Big news ,always fascinated by watching important people take off in an airplane. A
Coming to Philly this weekend. This is gonna be a sh*t show.
Personally I am sick and tired of the media and US politicians fawning over the old dude in the funny looking white dress.
It's a nonevent in my house.
Can always watch it on Virtual Radar w/ADSB.... Or as the radio news reporters said "it's like reporting on the travels of Santa on Christmas Ever"... :D
Personally I am sick and tired of the media and US politicians fawning over the old dude in the funny looking white dress.

Well, the Pope is a politician both inside and outside of the Roman Catholic Church. He is influential to many voters all over the world. The media likes to promote him when he suits their agenda and likes to demonize him when he doesn't. No different than with any other public figure.

Did the Alitalia pilots have a plastic Jesus on the glare shield?? Or was having the Pope onboard sufficient?

IDK but Rod Machado always talks about grabbing one of these when things get dicey in the cockpit.

Got to love graven images from a religion that supposedly eschews them if the commandments are followed.