Airline passengerage


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
Saturday I was on a SWA 737Max, in the front row.
I noticed in my area (I didn't look all the way back) there was a physical mini-wall between each seat that did not have a raise-able armrest.
There was no chance for someone to spill over into my seat (or for me to do the same to someone else) at least from the belly down.
Is this the latest in airline seating? Looked a bit uncomfortable for a fatty but nicely protective for a skinny.
Those are like that, because in the front row, that is where your tray table is.
You were probably on the inmate transfer row. What color jumpsuit did you have on?
wish I'd had that on a flight for work I was on maybe 20 or 30 years ago... I rode the entire hour or whatever it was in an aisle seat.... well half way.... literally one butt cheek on the seat and the other cheek cantilevered out into the aisle because some poor guy was spilling that far over the arm rest...well probably had to fold the arm rest up...and as I recall it was in the back of the plane near a stinky toilet...and there was a long ground delay before takeoff.
Honestly I was shocked they let the flight go like that.... and I was livid. Felt bad for the guy...but my company didn't pay for a seat for that other guy to use or for me to get back problems!!

And I remember another flight I had been upgraded to domestic first class.... with those little mini tables maybe 6 or 8 inches wide between the seats to put your drink on.... well that little table was unusable.... but at least he was far enough away from me I didn't have to snuggle that time!
Yeah, I remember some flights on CRJs where I thought my spine would be permanently “C” shaped after being pressed into the fuse by a fatty.
I was on a CRJ one time, last empty seat next to me. 300lb+ guy walks on. I'm in the aisle seat. Mr big sees the 18" wide seat, turns around and walks off. I was very relieved. Business travel is not very glamorous after 25 years weekly.
I was once in a window seat in one of those tiny turboprops (I think it was a DASH-8) with a 300+ pound woman next to me. She knew she was crowding me and spent the entire flight with her arms tightly folded in front of her. I was sympathetic (having struggled with weight myself, fortunately mostly successfully, but it's hard), but I was jammed into the wall of the airplane and I have a tendency toward claustrophobia. One strategy was to keep the arm rest down, but that helps only so much. Fortunately it was only an hour-long flight.
I was on a CRJ one time, last empty seat next to me. 300lb+ guy walks on. I'm in the aisle seat. Mr big sees the 18" wide seat, turns around and walks off. I was very relieved. Business travel is not very glamorous after 25 years weekly.
ha ha...reminds me of back when I used to travel for business a lot... I was young and single then... and when I'd see folks coming up the aisle and I had an empty seat next to me.... I'd always size people up & either hope they would sit here, or on the contrary hope they would keep moving on past...
ha ha...reminds me of back when I used to travel for business a lot... I was young and single then... and when I'd see folks coming up the aisle and I had an empty seat next to me.... I'd always size people up & either hope they would sit here, or on the contrary hope they would keep moving on past...
I was on a DoD 757 Charter once from Dulles to Edinburgh Scotland. One seat (middle) left on the plane. This Army Cook (apparently really liked his own cooking) comes waddling down the aisle. Looks at the seat, looks at me, looks at the guy on the aisle, looks at the seat and deplanes. The guy on the aisle and I Hi Five aas we pull away from the gate for the overnight flight with the empty middle seat.
ha ha...reminds me of back when I used to travel for business a lot... I was young and single then... and when I'd see folks coming up the aisle and I had an empty seat next to me.... I'd always size people up & either hope they would sit here, or on the contrary hope they would keep moving on past...
I'm neither young nor single. When I fly I can guarantee you there will be a big burly dude at least my size (I'm not small) in one of the other two seats. As we watch people come down the aisle, if there are 20 little blonde 5' 100# teenagers and one behemoth coming down the aisle... I don't even bother to hope any more. I can absolutely guarantee which one is headed for our middle seat.
Got on an ATL - SEA flight a few years ago. Had the exit row window seat (the one where the seat in front of you is removed) which is awesome for my long legs. Got to end of boarding with the aisle clear and the middle seat was still empty. Thought "Oh man.. How lucky for this long of a fli...... Oh no." I saw a dude get on that (like me) had to turn his head sideways to clear the bulkheads and life raft storage areas. He was easily 6'8" 300+lbs. I tried not to make eye contact, but yep.. he ended up right next to me. HAD HAD HAD to be an offensive lineman for SOME D1 school somewhere. Poor dude squeezed in as tightly as he could but we were swapping shoulders front-to-back the whole flight. I couldn't even reach my bag under the seat in front of me to get my book. What made it worse was the scrawny little s.o.b. on the aisle seat kept slamming against the behemoth every time their shoulders touched. Problem is, all that energy was transferred directly to my shoulder on the other side and knocked me into the wall. It was a royal PITA flight. I felt sorry(ish) for the big dude. It was obvious he was trying to not 'be big', but he was just a big dude. His fingers looked like brats - not hot dogs, but brats.
if there are 20 little blonde 5' 100# teenagers and one behemoth coming down the aisle... I don't even bother to hope any more.

Yep, according to science, men become invisible to teenage girls when they hit 39. The study reportedly finds that 52% of survey takers believe that men lose their allure as they reach 40. After the age of 40 men become “father figures” to younger women.
Yep, according to science, men become invisible to teenage girls when they hit 39. The study reportedly finds that 52% of survey takers believe that men lose their allure as they reach 40. After the age of 40 men become “father figures” to younger women.
Oh, I’m not hoping for that. Just hoping that the seat beside me isn’t occupied by someone even bigger than me. That only happens when I buy the seat next to me for my wife.
Yep, according to science, men become invisible to teenage girls when they hit 39. The study reportedly finds that 52% of survey takers believe that men lose their allure as they reach 40. After the age of 40 men become “father figures” to younger women.
Thankful for the 48% who have "daddy issues."