Aircraft Selection App


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
Does such a thing exist?
(if no, we are seriously slacking off!)

A pal is picking my brain about selecting a/c, and my brain is truly not pick-worthy on this topic. (no comments about my nose)

I’d envision such an app as, ‘Input your desires for each category’ such as #engines/#seats/speed/hiwing or lo/Nall safety stats/etc, along with ‘importance of each category from 1-5 with 5 meaning it is a hard requirement, 1 you dont care.
Then it spits out some options based on your choices.

I know, best to simply ask POAers!
But I think you could make some coin off pilots if you made this app.
...I’d envision such an app as, ‘Input your desires for each category’ such as #engines/#seats/speed/hiwing or lo/Nall safety stats/etc, along with ‘importance of each category from 1-5 with 5 meaning it is a hard requirement, 1 you dont care.
Then it spits out some options based on your choices.

I know, best to simply ask POAers!
But I think you could make some coin off pilots if you made this app.

Sounds like easy software programming...regardless of inputs the output is always 'Bo'? :rolleyes:

The real danger is it would eliminate all the redundant "What airplane should I buy" threads on this Board. And where would that leave us...:eek: has it on their front page...

They call it a wizard! Wow, a wizard!

I don't know how realistic those operating costs are but it's pretty fun to mess with nonetheless.
It has been many many years since I have written software, but something like this would work:

public Aircraft PlanePicker(AircraftOptions aircraftOptions){
switch (aircraftOptions)
case aircraftOptions.wingType == high:
return new Aircraft(Bonanza);
case aircraftOptions.wingType == low:
return new Aircraft(Bonanza);
case aircraftOptions.gearType == fixed:
return new Aircraft(Bonanza);
case aircraftOptions.gearType == retract:
return new Aircraft(Bonanza);
return new Aircraft(Bonanza);

Now just need someone to acquire the IP for a few million so I can retire.
Sounds like easy software programming...regardless of inputs the output is always 'Bo'? :rolleyes:

The real danger is it would eliminate all the redundant "What airplane should I buy" threads on this Board. And where would that leave us...:eek:

We may as well just rename the forum "What Ted's Thinking About", lol
It has been many many years since I have written software, but something like this would work:

public Aircraft PlanePicker(AircraftOptions aircraftOptions){
switch (aircraftOptions)
case aircraftOptions.wingType == high:
return new Aircraft(Bonanza);
case aircraftOptions.wingType == low:
return new Aircraft(Bonanza);
case aircraftOptions.gearType == fixed:
return new Aircraft(Bonanza);
case aircraftOptions.gearType == retract:
return new Aircraft(Bonanza);
return new Aircraft(Bonanza);

Now just need someone to acquire the IP for a few million so I can retire.

Remember - you only get 80 columns on your punch cards.......
But seriously - a mini Discrete Choice analyzer would be great. People aren't that great at answering direct questions on things, such as I want this attribute, I want this, etc.

Better way is to give choices.

Choose between A or B
A High wing, New, Carries 2 People, burns 8 gal hour, cruises 100 kts, cost xxx to buy, xxx yearly
B High Wing, older, carries 2 people, burns 13 gal hour, cruises 150 kts, cost xxx to buy, xxx yearly

The modeling keeps switching in different levels of the metrics. From a limted set of combinations the modeling can then project to all possible combinations, and depending on when a person chooses one over the other it can create a weight to how much a person values that level. I.E. I always pick an option with high cruising speed over fuel burn.

Then it can predict your optimal plane.

Can you tell this is what I've done for a living for the past 35 years? :)

Can you tell this is what I've done for a living for the past 35 years? :)

Yeah, but did you have any success doing it....

But seriously... I'm sure you did, I'm just feeling snarky/hangry this afternoon....

I'll get a snickers...
Wouldn't it eventually say "PC12" even for a new pilot? ;)

Wouldn't it eventually say "PC12" even for a new pilot? ;)


Imagine an AI that mines POA for its training data. First, it would ask hundreds of impertinent questions like “Is it okay to enter the pattern by crossing midfield?” and “When someone asks about moving to a different part of the Midwest, do you tell him that California is terrible or that it is awesome?” After a few hours of drawing inferences from your responses to those questions, you will get to this screen:

Based on your selections up to this point, we would recommend that you buy an A36 Bonanza.
Are you willing to spend a little more money to get all the features you really want?
[YES] [NO]

The Yes branch would obviously say to get a PC-12, and the No branch would of course tell you that you obviously don’t have the financial wherewithal to be flying in the first place.
The all important question is African or European - with or without a coconut.
Imagine an AI that mines POA for its training data

This is brilliant. Some other questions for the app - "When someone tells you they are considering a 150 or 172 for an aircraft purchase, do you tell them 1. Sure go with what you are comfortable with or 2. why on God's great earth are you considering a trainer for a personal aircraft? or 3. Just get a PC-12 its what you want anyway buy your last airplane first"

To help with avionics selection - "When asked if a 750xi should be put in the panel of a Cherokee 140 along with dual G5s and a GFC500, what is your response - 1. Sure whatever makes you happy and lets you enjoy your flying experience 2. Are you nuts why in the he..l are you putting more into the panel that you paid for that plane? 3. Just find a Bo with the panel you already want"

"When trying to decide on high or low wing, how do you respond 1. Yes, low wing is the answer or 2. No, high wing is not the right answer"
We need an app to tell us what app is best for each thing we do in life. we really need an app for every freakin' thing we do?
I searched the App Store for Magic 8 Ball. Signs point to yes, we need at least 7 different apps for every freakin thing we do.
Nothing wrong with a panel that costs more than the plane without the panel. It’s a part of the plane as much as the engine, prop and hull. If it’s your last plane - why not ? has it on their front page...

They call it a wizard! Wow, a wizard!
The wizard recommended, among every other model of airplane ever made, a Beech 18, which it says cruises at 187 knots. That's my dream plane. A 187-knot Twin Beech.
The wizard recommended, among every other model of airplane ever made, a Beech 18, which it says cruises at 187 knots. That's my dream plane. A 187-knot Twin Beech.
Get in line... Behind me. I'd take a Waco YOC, or mebbe a Cessna 195... But an 18 is right up there. I didn't get the hybrid version, so my money tree is a slow grower.. no fruit yet.