Ah, 11" of snow north of Cincinnati ...

Kenny Phillips

Final Approach
Jul 29, 2018
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Kenny Phillips
I rather dislike drab, cold winters; it's usually bare and grey here, so I don't mind the snow at all. It's very rare to get this much here, but I have 5,000 lbs. of Mahindra sitting out front ready to remove it from two hundred yards of driveway.
I rather dislike drab, cold winters; it's usually bare and grey here, so I don't mind the snow at all. It's very rare to get this much here, but I have 5,000 lbs. of Mahindra sitting out front ready to remove it from two hundred yards of driveway.
We usually get snowy winters here in Michigan thanks to the Great Lakes snow machine, but so far this winter, nothing nada zip zilch...and I am LOVING IT!!!
I flew to Louisville in December, and I left Michigan with no snow on the ground...by mid-Indiana there was a few inches. I’m a skier but the slopes around me are making artificial snow just fine...works for me! You keep that snow down there Kenny.
It missed us, it stayed just warm enough here in the Springfield area to remain all liquid. Color me disappointed. I love a good snow event.

OTOH, my brother who lives just west of STL had 18" on his deck last night.
We usually get snowy winters here in Michigan thanks to the Great Lakes snow machine, but so far this winter, nothing nada zip zilch...and I am LOVING IT!!!
I flew to Louisville in December, and I left Michigan with no snow on the ground...by mid-Indiana there was a few inches. I’m a skier but the slopes around me are making artificial snow just fine...works for me! You keep that snow down there Kenny.
I'm from northeast Ohio, I'm used to lots of snow. I like a well-defined winter (and ice thick enough to fish through ...), which ain't Cincinnati.
I was told to prep for harsh winter's when I moved to Wisconsin. I think it's only gotten below freezing two or three times... This sucks I was all ready for a harsh winter and to go snowmobiling and snowshoeing just like I did in CO. Instead it's a drab gray 33*F winter too cold to do anything but too warm for snow to play in. I want snow!!!!!
The day after Christmas it started snowing here. Steady snow for a couple days followed by snow showers for the next few days. 5 to 10 inches on the ground. A week later the temps rose and it started melting. Still 3 to 6 inches on top of the mud, nasty muddy parking lots, nasty dirty water in the streets, and of course last night another 3-4 inches on top of the rotting snow. I hate snow down here.

At least north of the Arctic Circle when it snows, it stays. Until spring when break up happens, then it is 2 weeks of mud and water followed with 90 to 100 days of summer. Then it starts all over again.
10” in my yard in Dayton. First real snow this winter.

I live just south of Columbus and have about 5 inches on the ground. I also just perused the Weather Channel app and it says another 5-8 possible Saturday. YAY! All these warm winters have me spoiled. Not it seems we may have a more normal winter.
I was told to prep for harsh winter's when I moved to Wisconsin. I think it's only gotten below freezing two or three times... This sucks I was all ready for a harsh winter and to go snowmobiling and snowshoeing just like I did in CO. Instead it's a drab gray 33*F winter too cold to do anything but too warm for snow to play in. I want snow!!!!!

Well if it's any consolation it's been unbelievably warm and dry in the northern Rockies this winter too. Out my way totally the opposite of last year when the snow just kept coming and coming. This year? I've plowed my driveway only once, well before Christmas. The weather has been so warm the only snow left is a bit in the trees; my gravel driveway is completely clear (even dusty when driven on), I am using my quad around the ranch and there is zero possibility of using the sleds at the moment. :(
spring is here tulips are up.


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spring is here tulips are up.

That's the problem with living where you do...lawn mowing season starts on Feb 1 and goes 'til Dec 15th. :mad:
That's the problem with living where you do...lawn mowing season starts on Feb 1 and goes 'til Dec 15th. :mad:
Except wen it is raining, that's why my lawn was 6" tall. Now it will dry out and I can mow it again.
15 Dec to 1 Feb.. is moss season.
Except wen it is raining, that's why my lawn was 6" tall. Now it will dry out and I can mow it again.
15 Dec to 1 Feb.. is moss season.