Af 1


Final Approach
Feb 27, 2005
West Coast Resistance
Display Name

Display name: life
Time now 2151 Z. I just saw Air Force One pass overhead. Until I saw it I forgot the reason I didn't see any planes in the air. I'd only seen a solitary Beaver on floats pass by about 800 agl.
One nice thing about my travel schedule - I'm not home, so the TFR today couldn't impact any flying plans.
It is a beautiful bird though isn't it???
Whether other planes are in the air or not, to see AF 1 is GREAT!

Mark B
He doesn't show much confidence in his own defenses, imposing a commercially and civically burdensome 30 mile TFR nearly everywhere he goes.
I used to see it on my way home from work on the Capitol Beltway. If the prez (back then it was Willie C) was out for a daytrip he'd occasionally get home while I was headed home. Looked very cool overhead on approach to Andrews AFB.
He doesn't show much confidence in his own defenses, imposing a commercially and civically burdensome 30 mile TFR nearly everywhere he goes.

It is NOT the President that does that it is the Secret Service.
The President can do "just about" anything he wants, but the Secret Service CAN and DOES over ride when they feel it is necessary for his security. No matter who it is.

Mark B
I used to see the VC-25s when they'd come to the Wichita Boeing plant for repairs and updates. Nothing like standing in your drive way and seeing the 28000 or 29000 tail numbers come over head.
When I was a kid, they used to do radios in the VC-135s that used to be flown as (when POTUS was on-board) Air Force 1, in the Collins Radio hangar at Addison.

ADS was way out in the country in those days, and had no security at all most of the time (heck, it did not even have a fence, IIRC). When the VC-135 was there, there was one (1) Airman, with rifle, standing guard. He'd let me wander around *near* the plane, the tail of which stuck out of the hangar because the hangar was not deep enough to hold the whole magilla.

Times, they done changed.
It is NOT the President that does that it is the Secret Service.
The President can do "just about" anything he wants, but the Secret Service CAN and DOES over ride when they feel it is necessary for his security. No matter who it is.

Mark B

Thank you.
Well the SS then. They're mostly his people aren't they?
Thank you.
Well the SS then. They're mostly his people aren't they?
No. They are US Treasury Dept. agents who rotate through protective service of POTUS, family members and other VIPs. It is a very apolitical task. I had the pleasure of getting to know several of them during a prior Administration, and the vast majority of them were well-trained, dedicated and highly professional.
No. They are US Treasury Dept. agents who rotate through protective service of POTUS, family members and other VIPs. It is a very apolitical task. I had the pleasure of getting to know several of them during a prior Administration, and the vast majority of them were well-trained, dedicated and highly professional.
But if the president specifically ordered the secretary of the treasury to tell the SS to call off the TFRs, my guess is that they would be. Politics is never far away in DC.
But if the president specifically ordered the secretary of the treasury to tell the SS to call off the TFRs, my guess is that they would be. Politics is never far away in DC.

I don't think you are right. The SS is able to do their job because they are outside the politics of DC. They have clearly defined protocols, procedures, and policies for every person they protect. They have the final say. These TFRs are also not unique to Bush. The presidential candidates, Speaker of the House, etc also receive similar (though less extensive) treatment. Anybody would have a hard time justifying forcing the SS to violate their procedures.

Anybody remember when Slick Willie shutdown O'Hare for an extra 45 minutes to get a haircut?

No. They are US Treasury Dept. agents who rotate through protective service of POTUS, family members and other VIPs. It is a very apolitical task. I had the pleasure of getting to know several of them during a prior Administration, and the vast majority of them were well-trained, dedicated and highly professional.

They're not Treasury anymore. Despite the fact that the vast majority of their work is actually investigating fraud and counterfeiting, when the Department of Homeland Security was formed in 2002, the Secret Service was transfered to them (ending a 137 year run with the Treasury Dept). Don't even get me started on how stupid I think that was...
after flying during an election year in a first in the nation caucus state, I feel pretty comfortable saying that candidates for the presidency (besides the president himself) do NOT get TFR's. THank god. Although I wonder how it'll work with Hilary, since she has secret service protection (doesnt she?)
after flying during an election year in a first in the nation caucus state, I feel pretty comfortable saying that candidates for the presidency (besides the president himself) do NOT get TFR's. THank god. Although I wonder how it'll work with Hilary, since she has secret service protection (doesnt she?)

I think they've gotta get nominated and THEN they get a TFR, maybe. IIRC, Kerry asked NOT to have one, which was fine by me, especially when I saw his jet on my ramp.
The winners of the primary get protection. Former POTUS, VPOTUS, and their families also have automatic protection, so Hillary probably already has it.
I think they've gotta get nominated and THEN they get a TFR, maybe. IIRC, Kerry asked NOT to have one, which was fine by me, especially when I saw his jet on my ramp.

oh that must be why i dont remember any TFRs. I sure hope that the same happens this next year.what a PIA that would be.
I recall the last election and the difficuly of air travel during the last couple of months. Any time Edwards flew into an airport, they would ground stop. It happened a number of times at Dulles. And it wasn't just him, but he's who I remember the most. So I know his presence did effect operations and IIRC, his travel would prompt a TFR.

Not sure of the rule, but you can bet once the ballot is set, there will be ground stops and TFR's popping up all over the place, many times a day. I dread the whole shindig.

Hey Perry, just saw a new name... Welcome to the board!

This last Christmas when I flew up to Cape Girardeau, MO, they told me about W flying in a few years ago. The Secret Service showed up two weeks prior. It was as if they were conquerers and occupiers of a small country.
Hey Perry, just saw a new name... Welcome to the board!

This last Christmas when I flew up to Cape Girardeau, MO, they told me about W flying in a few years ago. The Secret Service showed up two weeks prior. It was as if they were conquerers and occupiers of a small country.

Thanks for the welcome. Glad to be here. I had the opportunity to perform on stage during a visit by Ronald Reagan to our town in 84. As the band representative I along with other representatives had to meet with the Secret Service and FBI a week before the get together. Those folks mean business. And, well they should. A job that I wouldn't want.

But when I watched a lady miss her Mother's funeral because of the ground stop at Dulles, I kind of got miffed. Why couldn't Edwards fly into one of the regional airports and not put a major out of business for that long? Seems like these folks might take that into consideration. But what am I thinking? We're talking about politicians here.

But when I watched a lady miss her Mother's funeral because of the ground stop at Dulles, I kind of got miffed. Why couldn't Edwards fly into one of the regional airports and not put a major out of business for that long? Seems like these folks might take that into consideration. But what am I thinking? We're talking about politicians here.

Fortunately, they use Dobbins AFB when coming to Atlanta. But a few months ago, Cheney showed up and shut down ten miles of five lane interstate... for 45 minutes during rush hour on a Friday afternoon.

All to help Chambliss raise campaign money. :rolleyes:
Time now 2151 Z. I just saw Air Force One pass overhead. Until I saw it I forgot the reason I didn't see any planes in the air. I'd only seen a solitary Beaver on floats pass by about 800 agl.
Richard it just occurred to me you violated DHS OPSEC by mentioning this. They have decided it is the duty for each of to ignore seeing AF1 to prevent terrorists from shooting at. If you were to say "look there goes AF1" a terrorist could overhear you and then use their should mounted missile that they were carry in their lunch box and take a shot. I am going to have to report you to the TSA :(:(

Great, now no one flys while the boss is traveling.
I wasn't a pilot prior to 9/11 so really don't know what it was like then.
I DON'T like the TFR's either, ESPECIALLY the "rolling TFR's" when POTUS is in his limo. (how are you supposed to keep up with THAT?)
But in the current international atmosphere, would we rather live with the TFR's or possibly have a country go into complete turmoil because POTUS was killed.
Whether it was GW or whoever the next POTUS will be. I am afraid it is something that we as pilots are just going to have to live with for a very long time.
As others have stated, the Secret Service DOES NOT "play games" when it comes to someone they are protecting. The Secret Service will do WHATEVER they feel is necessary.

Mark B
Richard it just occurred to me you violated DHS OPSEC by mentioning this. They have decided it is the duty for each of to ignore seeing AF1 to prevent terrorists from shooting at. If you were to say "look there goes AF1" a terrorist could overhear you and then use their should mounted missile that they were carry in their lunch box and take a shot. I am going to have to report you to the TSA :(:(


OH NO!!! Not the TSA!!! They might call the rent-a-cop to come shine his flashlight at you! :eek: