A caddy and Red Bull

Sac Arrow

Touchdown! Greaser!
May 11, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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Snorting his way across the USA
So I'm approaching a red light on a thee lane road short of a freeway on ramp on the motorcycle. I'm in the number two lane, and the number one lane is free so I take it. Of course, to make it to the number three lane without cutting people off or merging behind slow cars I need to accelerate fairly quickly.

So as I pull out I give the bike some moderate (not real aggressive) acceleration and I hear the engine of this late model Cadillac something or other going full bore. The douche wipe is trying to drag me! WTF!

Ok caddy the on ramp is all yours. Just don't slow me down. As I'm crossing the freeway overhead something catches my eye and I look left. CHP motor cop hanging out in his usual spot on the side of the road. Hmmm. I wonder if the caddy saw it. Let's have some fun.

Caddy takes the outside carpool lane in the circular on ramp (good) so I kick down to second, take a full lean and blow past him on the curve, and take second lane from the right. There is a semi in the slow lane shielding view of the cop. Anyway, caddy didn't like that so he goes balls out again after he exits the curve. I continue to accelerate moderately, slow enough so he can catch up.

Predictably, he totally blows past me, and I kick in a little more throttle as if to try to take him. But I don't. I slow beside the semi as he blows past the semi and the cop doing probably about 100. Sure enough, lights go on and motor cop chases him down.

That was my chuckle for the day!
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Life occasionally gives us these opportunities, and if they can be taken without risk to others, it can be very fun!
Life occasionally gives us these opportunities, and if they can be taken without risk to others, it can be very fun!

The precise reason why I didnt challenge him on the street. Freeway, well, I felt afforded a few more liberties.
I love giving people enough rope to hang themselves, and then watching them do it.
Amazing that the driver of a Cadillac actually saw a guy on a bike. Usually they do the stupidest things. Odin only knows what they do in there.

Fortunately, people around here are sufficiently intelligent to realize they haven't enough car to race my bike. Haven't had anyone try since I started riding the death machine.
heh - I was a nice guy, so I didn't cause an accident - there's an intersection I drive through every morning. There are 2 northbound lanes, a stoplight, then the next lanes on the other side of the intersection become left-turn/right-turn lanes. The adventure every morning is the traffic in the left lane that drag races at the light so they can shoot over into the right-turn lane after they get through. One morning, I was in the right lane, the light turned red and the car on my left decided not to run the light. She stopped late, though, and the front bumper was in the intersection. She backed up a little bit, but was still a nose ahead of me. I knew what she wanted to do, jump the green light so she could get in front of me. Then I noticed that her reverse lights were still on. I looked a little more to my left, and saw the car behind her noticed the same thing and had left plenty of room between them. Now, had I been feeling mean, I would have slowly crept forward just fore the light turned green to pressure her into stomping on the gas and then shooting backwards. But I didn't, I wanted to see the excitement. The light turned green, I went, then watched her lurch backward about foot or two before she figured it out. Sometimes messing with people like that is fun, but gotta try not to get bystanders involved.