

Final Approach
Mar 14, 2005
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This phone number has shown up on my caller ID more within the past two months than any other telemarketing call I've ever received. They call morning, noon, night, and LATE night -- all in the same day! They really are ANNOYING.

#1 -- I don't answer numbers that show up that I don't have some clue who they might be.
#2 -- This usually works for telemarketers. If it is someone that I have ended up on their call list, after 3-4 times of me not answering, they don't call back anymore. This hasn't worked with these bozos.

I finally did a little research and found out that these phone hounds are contracted to AOPA! This makes sense since I renewed my annual AOPA membership about two months ago - 1 month before the calls started showing up.

They called me again tonight as I was on the way to a football game, so I figured I would finally put an end to it. I would answer, tell them that I can't donate any money right now, please take me off your calling list, thanks, have a good day. BUT... here's the kicker.... When I answered the call that they had made TO me, I got a recorded message saying "We're sorry, all of our representatives are unable to take your call at this time, you can call back to 801 *click*" I hung up.

This is infuriating! I will be sending an email to as many AOPA customer service emails that I can find tomorrow to let them know of the horrible business practices that their contracted providers are using. If this continues, I will NOT be renewing my AOPA membership. I realize that AOPA is an active lobbyist and that requires money. I don't mind them calling me to ask for money... once. The means they are using to get funds is completely irresponsible in my eyes.

Has anyone else had similar experience? If so, please let AOPA know so we can get them to at least change the call-center provider they are using!

I would bet AOPA's take on the "donations" collected is as little as a quarter on the dollar. Because of this, I never give to anyone but directly to the cause the money is intended for.

But, if I see it's an organization who waste donated funds on a ripoff collections operation, they won't get a dime.

ASF according to what is filed with the State of Maryland

And, here's ASF's 2005 990 Tax Return. Take a look at Schedule A. You'll an interesting company you just might want to seek out if they continue to harass you, assuming this still the contracted harasser. Not bad income for the director as well.
I'm going to reserve comment, as I'm still fed up with AOPA. Maybe in a few days I'll have something useful to say besides "It figures."
I got a telemarketing call from AOPA which annoyed me once. I called AOPA and told them I don't want any fundraising calls from them ever. I haven't gotten one since, and that's got to be at least five years. Just call or email, and they should take care of it.

Companies only do this sort of telemarketing because it works. I guess there are a lot of people out there willing to give money to some stranger who interrupts their dinner. Makes no sense to me, and I don't do it, but somebody must. Lots of somebodies.

i had exactly the same thing happen to me!....from the same people!...it is very frustrating! and disapointing tosay the least!
Folks, AOPA actually has the number to call for removing yourself from telephone solicitation as the first "member question" in this month's Pilot; just call 'em, say "leave me alone," and I bet they do it!
Folks, AOPA actually has the number to call for removing yourself from telephone solicitation as the first "member question" in this month's Pilot; just call 'em, say "leave me alone," and I bet they do it!

I don't mind AOPA calling (although I will probably ask to be removed from their call list after this experience), I have a problem with the tactics that their contracted mass-call service is using. My issue lies with the call service and I don't think AOPA, as a credible organization, needs to be aligned with a company that uses such fund-raising tactics.

I wonder if the reason that "How to remove number from call list" is the #1 "member question" in Pilot this month is because they have had so many complaints within the past few months?
seems rather ironic that pubintcom's website touts "customer relationships" as a business goal and mission statement when they seem to have really irritated a bunch of people ...
I've been getting multiple calls per day from this # this past month. I did a Google search on the number... and found this link back to POA.

It is frustrating to see that AOPA or calling subcontractor has not changed their policy.
Google Voice + Add this number to my call-jail = No more calls, ever. AOPA is up there now with Arbitron Ratings (!@#$!@#$!@#!) and a few Car Warranty shops.


www.donotcall.gov I'm pretty sure it even works for cell phone numbers. I registered my home phone number and so far (knock on wood) it seems to work pretty well. I registered my cell phone as well and don't get solicitation calls there either.
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www.donotcall.gov I'm pretty sure it even works for cell phone numbers. I registered my home phone number and so far (knock on wood) it seems to work pretty well. I registered my cell phone as well and don't get solicitation calls there either.

Doesn't work if you are a member of the organization that calls you. Also doesn't include political polling and political party solicitations.
weilke said:
Doesn't work if you are a member of the organization that calls you. Also doesn't include political polling and political party solicitations.

Or for businesses that you already have a relationship with.
or congresscritters

or "surveys"
I always have some guys claiming to be police call asking for money to help the campaign to "save the children" from I don't remember.
They asked if I would support them, they would place an add in their flyer or some unheard of paper. I said "I don't think so since one of their guy's in blue shot and killed my son by accident".Hmmm They never called back.
Many times you find out the guy's calling are not Police at all they are collecting for them and the police dept. only get's about 10% of what they collect, if that.
Most times I say send me a letter, they never do, I never send money to anyone calling over the phone. They never send letters. I win.
Ok , Ok, I know some of you are worried, but Ed is ok, really, or maybe some are dissapointed that he is:rofl:.
I get a lot of telemarketing calls at work. Not very many at home any longer. For my home number it is on the Do No Call List and it is never given out except to a few people that I know need it. My work fax number is the one I give to the credit card companies. If they call that they get an ear full of fax tone.

But my work one is fair game for a lot of telemarketers these days. When I do get a call I forward it. I have two lines at my desk and I hit the forward button and dial a number. The number I forward them to is another telemarketer. I started using this number as my forward to number. I like wasting their time.
I get a lot of telemarketing calls at work. Not very many at home any longer. For my home number it is on the Do No Call List and it is never given out except to a few people that I know need it. My work fax number is the one I give to the credit card companies. If they call that they get an ear full of fax tone.

But my work one is fair game for a lot of telemarketers these days. When I do get a call I forward it. I have two lines at my desk and I hit the forward button and dial a number. The number I forward them to is another telemarketer. I started using this number as my forward to number. I like wasting their time.

I like that idea. :devil: