7 years a lurker (sorta), time for an intro


Pre-takeoff checklist
Dec 7, 2011
Boerne, TX
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Hello POA,

I have been reading this board for at least the last 7 years, and just wanted to start being a bit more active so I thought I'd let ya'll know more about me. Private pilot, just fly for fun - a few hundred hours over the last 15 years (less than 1000), PA-28-181 owner and ASE (UoTexas) for a local aircraft manufacturer with a long history. Just wanted to say hi and hope to post a bit more often.
WoW 7 ! years a lurker , got to be a record. :)
Hello POA,

I have been reading this board for at least the last 7 years, and just wanted to start being a bit more active so I thought I'd let ya'll know more about me. Private pilot, just fly for fun - a few hundred hours over the last 15 years (less than 1000), PA-28-181 owner and ASE (UoTexas) for a local aircraft manufacturer with a long history. Just wanted to say hi and hope to post a bit more often.

Your just up the road from me.

Fly out of 5C1?
Hello POA,

I have been reading this board for at least the last 7 years, and just wanted to start being a bit more active so I thought I'd let ya'll know more about me. Private pilot, just fly for fun - a few hundred hours over the last 15 years (less than 1000), PA-28-181 owner and ASE (UoTexas) for a local aircraft manufacturer with a long history. Just wanted to say hi and hope to post a bit more often.

You're about 30 min from my new San Antonio digs!
Thanks for all the replies guys, and don't worry; no epic necroposts from me (unless there's true reason for it like eman's one this week).
Don’t start painting eman as being “reasonable” or we’ll vote you back off the island!

Ha,:D yeah, I did say I've been reading this forum (and occasionally posting) for years, no worries there.
Now you guys are using my post to add to your message totals. Ugh. ;)