5W5 airport South of Raleigh


Line Up and Wait
Jan 24, 2018
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Has anyone landed at this airport recently. Online reviews are pretty bad for condition but it’s right near a visit I need to make this weekend.
It’s not good. I live a few miles away and won’t use it. The runway was originally 40’ asphalt but is probably more like 36 now with crumbled edges. I personally know of three aircraft that have departed the runway there. The airport is in a hole with tall trees on either end, so night operations are a no. I know someone who trained there decades ago and he said that if you saw the runway lights blinking, it meant you were heading for the trees.

If you are perfect with the centerline and there’s no wind, it’s doable. But it’s one of two airports in NC that are prohibited by almost every organization that rents aircraft.

I would call Kennebec (Fuquay/Angier) first and see about landing there. Grass strip, long and wide, only about 5 miles away. There’s enough of us around here that we can probably find someone to get you a ride. When are you coming?
Actually trying to attend granddaughters soccer tournament Saturday and Sunday. Daughter will be there so I have transport. Just trying to find her a shorter drive since she will be busy both days. Probably go to Raleigh exec which is a 30 minute drive to Apex.
TTA is a good choice, it’s a quicker drive to Apex because it’s a highway. I’m not sure where they’re playing in town, but Cox Fld might be another great choice unless you prefer to avoid grass. It’s home to EAA 1114, so lots of locals there.
+1 for TTA… its nice!
Actually trying to attend granddaughters soccer tournament Saturday and Sunday. Daughter will be there so I have transport. Just trying to find her a shorter drive since she will be busy both days. Probably go to Raleigh exec which is a 30 minute drive to Apex.
And one of the best and friendliest line staff around! You might even run into one of us while there.
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One of the many privately owned airports that are rotting away.
5w5 is a fun place to visit but it isn't really maintained at all. If it rains heavily it floods the runway leaving debris all over it. I went there a lot in my 150 just for fun. TTA is probably the best option but their gas is expensive, the self serve hardly ever works, and they are pretty rude. Not to mention the guy that runs the place is a total tool hated by everyone based there.
if you flew in, I'm assuming you hit the pig then? can't imagine you'd come all that way and NOT hit the pig.....
Actually, no… the pig was still under repair when I came in there. :(