5G: your phone and cell plan in 2022 and beyond

:) NASA went to the moon. We've got nothing to show for phones, except being phones. People aren't using their phones for complex analysis of fluid dynamics to design airfoils. At best, they're watching cat videos with them, at worst, sending videos of themselves. None of this requires high bandwidth or processing. Just because we developed Inconel doesn't mean we should be making paper clips out of it.

I was around when PC's first came out, and was convinced they'd revolutionize everything. I was wrong. Back then, the best thing they were for most people was a toy. The same is true now. For 90+% of the world that uses them, they make great game platforms. And the phones are just phones.

And yeah, I do wish everyone would get off my lawn...

Yeah, the joke I heard about it was, "We have all this processing power on our phones and what do we do with it? Watch cat videos and throw birds at pigs (Angry Birds)." :oops:

Phones and tablets have made huge differences. It is so much easier, and cheaper, to use FF/WingX/etc to get all of the sectionals/low IFR/approach plates/etc and have them in one package. Filing flight planes via the internet. Checking weather, NOTAMs and more. I no longer fax waiver forms back to Angel Flight, I take a pic and email it to them. My wife can see when I'll be home from the Angel Flight on FlightAware. Simple to do research on fuel prices and info on FBOs online.

Generally it is so much easier to book flights, cars, hotels than calling in the old days and using a phone.

Do people use them a lot on playing or wasting time? Yup.

None of it as computationally demanding as fluid dynamics, but certainly makes life a lot easier.
Yep, I have avare on my little phone, the old LG 3G phone, too, and having moving maps with ADSB traffic on a phone is stuff that would have been a top-secret project, if they could do it, in the 70's. But we've reached the point with desktop pc's and phones where it's silly. My laptop, I can do CAD on, easily, including smooth rotation of objects and some animation, and it's not a high end computer.

Phone and computer technology is to the point where we should be looking to drive down cost and drive up reliability, with way longer cycle times. More of a model for making toasters than space station parts.
My ATT TDMA and Nokia and Audiovox AMPS phones haven't worked in a long time.
All technology proceeds in an S-curve of capability vs time. Slow advances for a time, rapid increases in capability and a return to slow incremental advances.

Airplanes, computers, jet engines, cars, TV, anything you care to name.

Cell phones are just following the same curve, from the bricks to the iPhone etc to now slightly better capability with marginal utility. Only reason they change is to give vast numbers of Geeks at Apple et al something to do. Eventually the rate of change will tangentially approach zero, if it hasn’t happened already. The next step will use technology to reduce costs like has happened to TV’s.
