“Their planes make Larry King look young,” one participant observed.
This one was my favorite line:
“Their planes make Larry King look young,” one participant observed.
Speaking of which, where's Hayden?
"Well, ma'am, because I want to get to my destination, and I'd like to get there before I have to go back to work in five days. Oh ya, and I'd like to do it without getting bitched at by grumpy under-paid ticket agents and flight attendents."
Mmmmm...MidEx cookies.
I always get funny looks when I jumpseat on Northwest or Continental wearing my US Airways ensignia.
"Why aren't you flying on your airline?"
"Well, ma'am, because I want to get to my destination, and I'd like to get there before I have to go back to work in five days. Oh ya, and I'd like to do it without getting bitched at by grumpy under-paid ticket agents and flight attendents."
I'm proud that "I make US fly!" Can't you tell?
These surveys always crack me up- by their nature, they almost always will favor new carriers, who have all-new airplanes, mostly-young staff and no history of real-world problems (the kind that cannot be avoided) to carry along.
Virgin America- "top airline"- yah, right, they've been flying for 2 1/2 months.
Well, yeah, in America. Virgin Atlantic has been around and has been the airline of choice for those flying across the pond.
Sort of a conundrum, here.
They had to prove that they were not the same outfit in order to get a US Air Carrier Certificate. Realistically, they are an independent, but affiliated, entity.
I fully expect them to succeed, by the way, but to declare them the top airline in the country, at this point, is nothing but fanboy-ism.
Well, yeah, in America. Virgin Atlantic has been around and has been the airline of choice for those flying across the pond.
I didn't know that. I hadn't been following. I guess they had to get around the prohibition for foreign carriers making domestic stops.
I wonder how much they're prohibited from knowing as to how Sir Richard's other airline operated.