
  1. S

    Pilots Needed For Survey!!!

    Hello everyone! I am conducting a quick aviation survey for my AP Research class. To qualify, you must be a pilot (student pilots included!!) in the United States who is 18 or older. You will be asked questions about your attitudes towards aviation and how the economic impacts of the COVID-19...
  2. S

    GA trends in the Caribbean Survey - help appreciated!

    GA trends in the Caribbean Survey - help appreciated! Hello Pilots of America. I'm an MBA student from the Caribbean (not a pilot unfortunately!) and I'm doing a research project on General Aviation trends. The project is focused mostly on the motivations for North American GA Pilots to fly to...
  3. J

    Request to post my Survey link for my final year report research project.

    Hey guys , this might be the most random post you might ever see here but I am a student conducting a research on pilots and the struggles of covid 19, i have requested /asked many people through different platforms to fill the survey but had very less success . The survey is aimed to pilots and...
  4. MulePilot

    Low Time Alaska Flying Opportunites?

    Hi all. I've been researching potential employers for once I've finished my Com. single and multi, and have fallen in love with Alaska. I learned of an opportunity flying Aztecs and 172s for a survey outfit based in Anchorage, called JAV Imagery, and I am intrigued as to what else is out there...
  5. CLPSO-34

    Avionics Shop Experience Survey

    Hi Guys, I work with a small avionics shop and we are trying to determine if it would be worth our time and money to invest in a new website. We are going back and forth between between doing a simple face lift or going all out and adding a shopping cart with eCommerce capability for used and...
  6. M

    For Sale Online Survey on Cool New Airplane - Win 1/5 Free Amazon Gift Cards

    Check out this quick survey regarding a remanufactured Cessna 421C/414A. It has some cool information about the new model, called "Turbine Eagle," and respondents enter a drawing to receive one of five $100 Amazon gift cards.
  7. M

    MIT EFB Study on Pilot Decision Support Tools

    The Massachusetts Institute of Technology International Center for Air Transportation is investigating a new EFB app to aid air carrier pilots in making tactical decisions regarding speed and altitude during the cruise phase of flight. This app allows pilots to see how alternate vertical...