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  1. Walter233

    The Weekend's flights.

    Well, lets start with Saturday's 2... So, I got out to the glider club at around 11AM, winds were out of variable from 180 - 230 from 14kts. gusting to 20 earlier from 1-5PM. So, I take a dual flight around the pattern to get solo current again, we launch from 28 and the flight went fine...
  2. Walter233

    Today's flights..

    Woke up this morning at 9, and headed over to the airport at 10:30, where we were just opening up shop at our glider club for today. Did an array of stuff before I got into the air (Had to wait for another tow pilot, as my instructor (And also the only other available tow pilot) wanted to check...
  3. Walter233

    Flight Lesson 3/07/10

    After a hiatus from power flying back in September (Persuing gliding more and getting ready to solo at the time) I took back into the sky in the Citabria (On skis for the first time!) on February 16 & 20. ____ Now with all the snow melted, and the wheels back on, we flew out to Carrol County...
  4. Walter233

    A Late Introduction

    Hey Everyone, I've been a lurker here for a long time and figured I should introduce myself. My name's Walter and i'm a 14 Year old Student Pilot flying a Schweizer SGS 2-33 and a 7GCBC Citabria. Looking forward to talk and get to know the great bunch here at POA!