Search results

  1. HeatherCFI

    Needs ideas for a math/science conference for girls.

    I have the opportunity to work with middle school girls for about an hour to teach them about careers in math/science. Obviously, I'd like to do something aviation related with them. Any ideas? I get a $30 budget, but I'd be willing to kick in some of my own cash. It also needs to be...
  2. HeatherCFI

    Flight Review…. Done!!

    Got my flight review endorsement yesterday. Yay! I posted here a while back asking about how long to expect this to take. I hadn’t flown in 9 years, which is never going to happen again. A few of you stated it would probably take about 1 hour for every year not flown. Seemed to be a good...
  3. HeatherCFI

    I want a motorcycle!

    I just signed up for motorcycle classes. I have no idea what to look for in a motorcycle. My ex- told me a Buell Blast is a good starter bike for women since they are a little more light-weight. I sat on one and it felt good for my height. (I'm 5'10") For my first bike, I really don't want...
  4. HeatherCFI

    Cessna to layoff 1300 Sad, sad, sad...
  5. HeatherCFI

    Is there something related to aviation in all 50 states?

    Other than airports, of course! :smile: It is a lifetime goal of mine to visit all 50 states. I'd like to combine this goal with my aviation addiction, so I'd like to find sights to see that are aviation-related in all 50 states. I think there are the obvious- WI - EAA NC - Kitty Hawk VA...
  6. HeatherCFI

    10,000 Bees land on the wing of a plane wtf???
  7. HeatherCFI

    Florida's "Pilot Factory" I thought the days of 300-500 FO's were long gone years ago.... Guess not. "After 12 weeks of training, students serve as First Officers, also known as co-pilots..." How do you even log 250 hours to earn a Commercial...
  8. HeatherCFI

    How much do you fly to remain proficient?

    What is the minimum amount of time you feel safe flying while remaining proficient? How long would you go without flying before having an instructor go up with you for a bit? We all know how important it is to keep our flying skills up and I'm guessing my questions here are totally subjective...
  9. HeatherCFI

    Need Recos for Handheld Scanner

    I'm going to the Red Bull Air Races in San Diego May 9-10. I'd like to purchase a handheld scanner that I can bring with me, and I'd also like to use it at AirVenture and Nascar races. I'd like to keep it around $100. Any suggestions?
  10. HeatherCFI

    Favorite aviation blogs / websites

    I am a RSS feed freak and am always looking for more interesting/informative blogs to add to my reader. So, what are your favorite aviation-related sites/blogs that you visit often (other than PoA ;) ) I found a previous posting where some of you posted your favorite sites in general, but I'm...
  11. HeatherCFI

    Getting back to flying after some time off

    Hi all, I'm glad I found this forum! I haven't flown in about 9 years and my plan is to get back into it this summer. I have my CFI and about 300 hours. I've renewed my CFI each year and I have an appointment made to get my medical. I can't believe I went this long without flying. School...