Search results

  1. duc750sport

    Engine "Hickup"

    Was flying yesterday (Skyhawk 172N) and after stopping for breakfast I did a full preflight and run up. I was climbing after takeoff and the engine had a major "hiccup".. A feeling like when you're starting to pull the mixture to shut down. I lowered the nose, and the first thing I thought of...
  2. duc750sport

    Last minute breakfast at 44N

    A few of us from the area (KSMQ - KMMU) are flying up to Sky Acres (44N) tomorrow morning for breakfast.. Just wanted to put it out there to see if any North East POAer's are interested.. We should be leaving Somerset at about 9:30 so we should be at Sky Acres by 10:15 - 10:30 if anyone just...
  3. duc750sport

    Flat Tire!

    So, I flew for about 90 minutes the other day which included some pattern work at two different airports. Pretty much a non event.. When I got back to my home airport I was taxiing toward our parking area and out of the blue I just couldn't hold center line. I stopped and my passenger (A CFI)...
  4. duc750sport

    Flying to (Near Cooperstown)

    Just curious if anyone knows any GA friendly airports in the area of the Baseball HOF.. I'd like to do a flight up that way (From Jersey).. Renting a car from the airport is ok.. Thanks!
  5. duc750sport

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year (Thanks)

    Hey all.. I don't always post on here but have been around for a while. I have learned a lot from this site and wanted to say thanks to everyone that contributes! I hope you all have an awesome Holiday and even Happier New Year!!! Now stop reading this and GO FLY!!! Unless you're in the N...
  6. duc750sport

    Airport/Rental in Northern Cal area…

    Hey all.. I'll be traveling to San Francisco and would love to get checked out and rent to fly a little while I'm out there. Any suggestions to airports with rentals.. I may be reaching but I'd prefer a low wing (Archer-Cherokee) if possible. Anything closest to the Los Gatos, Pal Alto...
  7. duc750sport

    Passed my Checkride!!

    Whew!! Passed my checkride Friday!! 8 months and 72 hours.. I learned a lot from here. Thanks everyone!! I'll do a debrief at some point tonight and post it.
  8. duc750sport

    Run up?!?! What's that?

    I have over 30 hours logged in training.. A few morning's ago I had an early lesson and did my normal weather brief then went out to the aircraft, did my entire (outside) checklist. Got in the cherokee and continued the checklist. Once we were ready to go I acknowledged to my CFI we were ready...
  9. duc750sport

    First Solo(s)

    Hi all~ Been lurking around for a while and wanted to say hello. I just recently have three solo's under my belt and can now solo whenever I want (within school limits.. ie weather etc..) Just curious as to how everyone took advantage of this? Did you fly a lot (solo) or just keep it to...