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  1. B

    America's top dog breeds

    I've got a Bassett hound and he's awesome
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    what are good ways to prepare and study for oral exam and check ride for PPL

    Also check out the YouTube video of a pp oral exam. Its like 1.5 hr long but well worth it. I passed mine a few days ago and it was much easier than that YouTube video.
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    Devils playground video, south county terlingua

    That's pretty awesome! Texas also has the good ole Palo Duro... Never flown over it but camped a few nights there and tried for the "free" 72oz steak at the big Texan! Good times
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    Walks Into Turning Propeller

    Really a sad deal and it happened two miles from my house. Like everything in flying, the propeller is unforgiving.
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    Addison Cirrus

    Just barely missed the high school. Definately keep the injured and diseased in our thoughts and prayers. It was extremely foggy this morning as well.
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    New guy but soloed today

    Oh yeah I even wore the cut shirt up to chilis to watch the rangers win! And yup it's a 172.
  7. B

    New guy but soloed today

    Yup polished off my 15th hr today and got to solo. First t&g went well then flew the pattern a bit the 2nd went well and thennn the full stop was going well and something went wrong in the front gear after rolling for a bit. Violent shakes but taxied in safe. Anyway, just glad I knocked it out.