Learn to fly - By Expert Village


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PoA Supporter
Jul 21, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
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He was a little high and fast on that approach. Should’ve reduced power a little sooner. :D
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Best quote from the comments section:

Jeff Favignano
9 years ago
You people are idiots, I am familiar with the airport and the approach and landing was superb. I see far too many simulator pilots critiquing these days.
I love expert village.

But isn't this where that Horizon Q400 pilot learned to fly?
I thought POA was expert village. :dunno:
Calling PoA a village is rather generous. (Although it could be argued that we've filled our quota of village idiots) :)

Edit: Wow, the "new messages" notification was not even halfway through its fade-in effect when my finger hit the post button.
Calling PoA a village is rather generous. (Although it could be argued that we've filled our quota of village idiots) :)

Oh we definitely have a few. And I don’t mean the folks who ask “silly” questions or who offer uninformed opinions as long as they are obviously offered as just opinions. Heck, the idiotic juvenile antigovernment rants and such don’t really bother me that much. All harmless.

The ones that bother me are the self-proclaimed experts who are frequently wrong in what they offer but offer it as expert advice or guidance. They have the potential to mislead someone who for whatever reason has put their faith in said “expert”.
I love expert village.

But isn't this where that Horizon Q400 pilot learned to fly?

If so, then I'd say Expert Village is top notch. Embry-Riddle sure as heck aint gonna teach ya how to loop and roll a Dash 8. He handled that thing like a boss. Great advertisement for Bombardier to boot.

Bombardier: Aerobatic transport so easy even a rampy can do it.