Ryan F.
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    • Ryan F.
      Ryan F. replied to the thread Any Career CFI's?.
      I can't argue your points - financially, completely valid. Ever think about working at a 142 like FSI or CAE? The money is...
    • Ryan F.
      Ryan F. replied to the thread Any Career CFI's?.
      It's the challenge we've wrestled with for many generations of pilots -- we lose most of our good instructors to other career paths...
    • Ryan F.
      I have had some challenges with Database Concierge too, here and there over the last 8 years or so. It seems like some of the recent GP...
    • Ryan F.
      Ryan F. replied to the thread IFR and cost and future plans.
      You’re not necessarily one of a kind, but that’s a unique perspective. I see glass to steam all the time - it’s one of the common...
    • Ryan F.
      Ryan F. replied to the thread IFR and cost and future plans.
      I've owned my own light GA aircraft for 24 years. I wouldn't have it any other way; it's been a marvelous experience. Is it practical...
    • Ryan F.
      Ryan F. replied to the thread Spin training.
      With a background in specialized spin/upset recovery courses and aerobatics (owned a Pitts Special) I was always curious how it would be...
    • Ryan F.
      Normal cycles - personally speaking, I don’t think this particular “trough” will be very dramatic. It’s still an excellent time...
    • Ryan F.
      I've done some number of practical tests for private pilot, ASEL applicants in late generation Cirrus SR-22s (including SR-22T). In all...
    • Ryan F.
      I taught and checked the GNS430 for so many years that it's still second nature to me personally. But to your point, yes, the "next...
    • Ryan F.
      Don’t confuse procedure with technique. The procedure is to fly the appropriate speed and touch down at the appropriate spot. There are...
    • Ryan F.
      Ryan F. replied to the thread ....
      I’ve had some “over-endorsed” applicants and didn’t send any feedback to the instructor, primarily because they weren’t there to receive...
    • Ryan F.
      Ryan F. replied to the thread ....
      That’s the quick short-cut to the end of the conversation, but I was curious what the thought process/justification was around...
    • Ryan F.
      Ryan F. reacted to dmspilot's post in the thread ... with Like Like.
      No, it isn't. 61.31(l)
    • Ryan F.
      Ryan F. replied to the thread ....
      Why would it be required for a commercial practical test and not private pilot?
    • Ryan F.
      Ryan F. replied to the thread ....
      Good instructors tend to be available/around/accessible on the day of their student’s practical test…. Thank you!
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