Recent content by RothLife

  1. RothLife

    Making our Club visible on the web

    Creating a club site is easy. Registering a domain is cheap and easy also. Make sure you actually register it separately from your hosting (so you can take it with you if you change hosts). For registering, I've always used but there are certainly others out there. Keeping...
  2. RothLife

    Following Advice

    There are a few rare cases where it becomes required to get permission and this was one of those cases. In these cases, failure to ask would get your name listed in the obituaries... (Examples: Your Wedding, Funeral of her father, etc... Not going into details but our case was very...
  3. RothLife

    Following Advice

    There is a small chain link fence (4 ft) around the airport... It does have an electric gate for vehicles to pass through if they have the correct code... But it also has a standard chain link gate (lift the latch) to go in to get to the FBO. I couldn't do the same thing at the other airport...
  4. RothLife

    Following Advice

    Thank you for pointing that out... Please note the slight edit above...
  5. RothLife

    Following Advice

    After an incredibly difficult day (of which I won't discuss here), I asked my wife if I could head out to the airport and just "hang out" hoping to improve my mood. <edit>The reason I asked my wife is directly related to the difficult day and if she needed me to stick around the house. Under...
  6. RothLife

    Goooood Morning POAaaaa!

    I was able to help clean. However, since I was not a member, I was not allowed to ride in it. They didn't make me wear the flight suit, but I don't mind the military clothing. Reminds me of my time in the service.
  7. RothLife

    Goooood Morning POAaaaa!

    Was thinking about hanging around your hangar with a bottle of 409 ready to go to work. If only it wasn't for that long commute. (And I sure hope I haven't come across as a know it all - Just asking as many questions as I can and learn something in the process) At least in my case, I may...
  8. RothLife

    Goooood Morning POAaaaa!

    Not sure I want to be hanging around the hangars... I think that would look suspicious and aren't we supposed to report suspicious people hanging around the GA airports?
  9. RothLife

    Riddles and Brainteasers

  10. RothLife

    Goooood Morning POAaaaa!

    So would you be willing to give a complete stranger a ride that just showed up at your hangar?
  11. RothLife

    Riddles and Brainteasers

    A carpenter and a plumber are standing in line at a hardware convention. One is the father of the other ones son. How is this possible?
  12. RothLife

    Checkride - My story.

    Just don't focus so much on the fuel pump that you forget something else equally important...
  13. RothLife

    Linux User Base

    I've been using Gnome 3's fallback mode (Ubuntu) and it has a feel similar to Gnome 2... I agree I can't stand Gnome 3. Although I've been told that it is mostly how the Ubuntu dev's set it up out of the box. Supposedly (although I've not verified) Fedora has Gnome 3 configured better out of...
  14. RothLife

    Linux User Base

    Just curious how many forum users use Linux? (I use Ubuntu) Which flavor do you prefer and what flavors have you tried? Answering my own question: RedHat Mandrake GenToo (Then I decided I wanted a life outside compiling source code) Ubuntu I've been using Ubuntu for several years now and...
  15. RothLife

    Creative ways to finance Flight Training

    Although, I was browsing through my Flight Training magazine last night and found an ad for this site: 1 in 1500 chance of winning... better odds than the lottery... And it goes to a good cause... Lottery - Noun - A tax for those who are bad at math...