Following Advice


Filing Flight Plan
Apr 3, 2012
South Dakota
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After an incredibly difficult day (of which I won't discuss here), I asked my wife if I could head out to the airport and just "hang out" hoping to improve my mood. <edit>The reason I asked my wife is directly related to the difficult day and if she needed me to stick around the house. Under normal circumstances, I would not have asked permission.</edit>

After visiting with the gentleman at the FBO and having a pleasant conversation, I proceeded to walk down where the hangars were at. I found 2 hangars to stop at and visited with the Pilots there.

Both were very nice gentlemen who encouraged me to keep pursuing my dream of flying someday. Both were also members of the local EAA chapter and invited me to the breakfast in a couple of weeks. The one gentleman even said he would have taken me up if it wasn't so windy.

Bottom Line: While I'm still having a difficult day, for an hour or so, I was able to escape my troubles and enjoy some company from local pilots... It's pilots like these and like those of you on this forum that help to make me want my PPL more. Thank You for helping and encouraging those of us that are new to the scene...
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Cue people harassing the poor guy about "asking his wife" if he could go.

Good for you taking a step toward becoming an "airport bum", though. :)
Cue people harassing the poor guy about "asking his wife" if he could go.

Good for you taking a step toward becoming an "airport bum", though. :)

Thank you for pointing that out... Please note the slight edit above...
Didn't bother me. Most happily married people I know do ask. Not asking permission, just asking if the hubby or wife will mind. You almost always hear sniping from the "tough guys" on stuff like this... apparently in some peoples' world you're not supposed to care what your spouse wants. I don't live there, so I'm not sure how that works.
Well I hope the difficulty settles soon and I'm glad you got some respite at the airport!
Glad your airport doesn't have the TSA grant-money fence-of-death so you could walk along the hangars and hang out. Hope the day gets better.
There is a small chain link fence (4 ft) around the airport... It does have an electric gate for vehicles to pass through if they have the correct code... But it also has a standard chain link gate (lift the latch) to go in to get to the FBO.

I couldn't do the same thing at the other airport in town.
Nice post. I hung out at the airport on Sunday visiting with pilots, too. Doesn't beat flying, but it does beat most everything else. Glad it lightened your load.
Being around small airports, and airplanes is one of the best therapies known to man (mankind).
One of my hangar neighbors told me a few weeks ago that I win the prize for "Most dedicated pilot", just because he said I seem to always be at the airport when he's there. I wish there were more pilots to hang around with locally, but I guess I try to fill in the void with PoA.
Nice post. I hung out at the airport on Sunday visiting with pilots, too. Doesn't beat flying, but it does beat most everything else. Glad it lightened your load.

Did both on Saturday (flying as a passenger and briefing / debreifing flights). Went from something like 9am - 5pm. What a day, and the flights only won over the hanging out by a small percentage. Both are great.
Never ask the wife for permissions. Should be the other way around.

There are a few rare cases where it becomes required to get permission and this was one of those cases. In these cases, failure to ask would get your name listed in the obituaries... (Examples: Your Wedding, Funeral of her father, etc... Not going into details but our case was very significant and fell into etc.)

Under normal conditions, I would have asked her if we had anything going on and then tell her I was heading to the airport once I knew we didn't have prior plans...
Never ask the wife for permissions. Should be the other way around.
One of the discussions at the airport this Sunday is that all the best pilots are divorced at least once. How many times have you been divorced?
I guess I'm just doomed to be a lousy pilot. Henning says my landings are too flat and I've been married 33+ years, no divorces.
I guess I'm just doomed to be a lousy pilot. Henning says my landings are too flat and I've been married 33+ years, no divorces.

Me too, a divorce requires a marriage. So I'm worse than you, never married. I knew it. I am a crappy pilot.
I guess I'm just doomed to be a lousy pilot. Henning says my landings are too flat and I've been married 33+ years, no divorces.

Wait, Henning says your landings are flat? You just solo'd for crying out loud. Geez.
I guess I'm just doomed to be a lousy pilot. Henning says my landings are too flat and I've been married 33+ years, no divorces.
As one that has actually taught people to fly in Cherokees (something Henning hasn't done) the video looked perfectly acceptable to me. The goal at your stage is to teach you to make controlled, safe, low energy landings. One has the rest of their life to try and get as good as Henning.
Wait, Henning says your landings are flat? You just solo'd for crying out loud. Geez.
To be fair -- he's right! It was a little flat. In fact, I watched the video of all three, and although that was the worst of them they were all still flatter than I'd like. I'm still looking for that sweet spot between not enough flair, and ballooning... which I didn't do once today.

And they weren't quite as bad as they looked in the video, either... I know that. Each one was smooth and controlled, even if it wasn't perfect. I know I'll get a better feel for them

But - enough thread hijacking!! :) Sorry about that. Rothlife, come on out to Millard one of these afternoons or evenings, we can hang out and drool on the airplanes. I haven't met any of the guys here who have hangars, but I think I will be shortly.