Recent content by Noise Pollution

  1. N

    Noisy airplanes

    To my knowledge there is no wilderness area in the US that restricts overflights to the extent that the Grand Canyon does. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  2. N

    Noisy airplanes

    As if I've got the nads for those activities. And how the hell did you know I love NPR and fair trade?
  3. N

    Noisy airplanes

    Thanks much for the offer Jim, but my wife said you would probably either A: throw me out of your plane over Crater Lake, or B: Take off without me while I'm taking a leak at one of those remote grass strips in the Cascades. In reality, I think she's even more afraid that I would come home alive...
  4. N

    Noisy airplanes

    I feel you John. I remember reading about some motorcycle gang members that made recordings of the sound of their bikes so that they could hear them while not riding. I think my best strategy would be to give up and join you guys and fly myself... that way rather than annoyance at that big...
  5. N

    Noisy airplanes

    Thankfully the airspace above the Grand Canyon is some of the most restricted in the nation. Goals for aircraft overflight management listed in the GCNP'S policy paper include: 1. Substantially restore natural quiet as a natural resource. The goal is to address “the impairment of visitor...
  6. N

    Too much noise

    Hello, Flying a small plane for recreation purposes is very cool and a dream come true for many people. But other people have a right to listen to the birds, the wind, a stream, and silence. We're getting to the point in this country where enjoying the sounds of nature is becoming...