Recent content by mrtyler

  1. M

    Squawk VFR

    Next time, try hitting VFR again.
  2. M

    Crash near me

    Random guess: many FBOs leave the keys in a lockbox or the office for after-hours access. There's nothing preventing a club member from taking out an aircraft in which she's not checked out. (...other than club rules, insurance company rules, common sense, good aeronautical decision making...
  3. M

    Flying in Flurries

    I found it, though I cannot imagine how you typo'ed Roselawn so that it was bowdlerized (I did amuse myself trying to guess, however):
  4. M

    8 Secrets that Your Flight Instructor Doesn't Want You to Know

    Never heard of THIMK so you inspired me to look it up:
  5. M

    Available fuel in a Piper

    "the G in humps" is pretty good ;). I was just talking about this issue with my CFI today while finishing a checkout in the Cherokee Six. Some tidbits: - Definitely we should think carefully about when to replace a known-working source of fuel with a probably-working source. At a...
  6. M

    How much is aircraft rental at your FBO?

    FWIW I did my primary training with Rainier Flight Service back when they were still a 2-person outfit at BFI. I'm still alive :) and would be happy to answer questions.
  7. M

    Asking passengers to sign a waiver?

    Serious question: how do you propose to assess whether a potential passenger -- or her family -- "can't accept the risks involved"? Not picking on you Jordan, as a few other posts said basically the same thing. (sixpacker I have often wondered this myself and look forward to some deeper...
  8. M

    Low time pilot learning about personal limits

    I think you got these backwards. I appreciate the challenge of a good xwind landing but I think the most I've actually faced was 25020G25 for 30 at SQL. It is my habit to make at least three landings any time I go up (sometimes I need that 90 day currency window), but on that day I was...
  9. M

    transition for a 152 to a 172

    And on a 182 you do a pretty good simulation of a ground loop ;)
  10. M

    Airasia 8501
  11. M

    Possible Pilot Deviation

    What happened when you called the phone number?
  12. M

    One's Company, Two's a Crowd

    Ok cool, looks like this is the pub I linked in my last post so I guess I found the right resource. Thanks. I agree with this. I saw something that I had questions about and I'm asking them of a group with a lot of experience. If that makes me an airport cop then you have the right to...
  13. M

    One's Company, Two's a Crowd

    Maybe you're talking about 3-10-3. SAME RUNWAY SEPARATION in Uncontrolled field (sorry, I meant to include that in my OP; thanks to flyingron for answering this also). Unsurprisingly the ATC publication doesn't seem to...
  14. M

    One's Company, Two's a Crowd

    Today featured some of that fine California "winter" weather that drives up the local cost of living. It was so nice that Half Moon Bay (HAF) wasn't buried in fog, so I popped over the hill for a few landings. (There's no diagram in the A/FD so refer to...
  15. M

    "Attention all aircraft, information X-Ray is now current"

    I can't decide if I think this is metonymy or synecdoche.