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    • K
      kmacht replied to the thread Lance air down short of 36 OSH.
      Let’s keep it in perspective. Those controllers are some of the best in the world and handle thousands of aircraft all converging on a...
    • K
      Damn. Maybe I should stop riding my motorcycle to the airport to fly the airplane I built in my garage. Some risks in life are still...
    • K
      How many people are driving in any given 15 minute period vs how many are flying as PIC? How many of those car accidents were solely...
    • K
      kmacht replied to the thread Investing Thread?.
      I just found that boggle heads put one of their investing 101 conferences on YouTube and will start watching it tonight. Their forums...
    • K
      kmacht replied to the thread Lance air down short of 36 OSH.
      I have gone to Osh at least a dozen times but have only flown in once. I highly recommend driving there instead and camping if...
    • K
      kmacht posted the thread Investing Thread? in Hangar Talk.
      I tried the search button but didn't find much other than someone asking to create an investing sub forum a ew years back. Do we have...
    • K
      kmacht replied to the thread RV inline fuel filter.
      My comments were specific to the aerocarb. A marvel Schebler carb has a float bowl that allows for any air bubbles to not interupt the...
    • K
      kmacht replied to the thread RV inline fuel filter.
      They are common on the sonex line of aircraft. A gascolator doesn’t work with the aerocarb because the aerocarb needs to be the lowest...
    • K
      kmacht replied to the thread Oshkosh 2024 - Who's going?.
      Why not just reapply some spray on waterproofing?
    • K
      Without naming the vendor Without naming the vendor, how are people supposed to be cautious? The only thing we got out of your story...
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      I'm not sure exactly what you were expecting to get out of this thread. If you had a bad interaction with the vendor and won't say who...
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      kmacht replied to the thread EAA life membership value?.
      Membership hasn’t suffered because they tied directly to Oshkosh attendance. They make it so if you attend the show for more than a day...
    • K
      kmacht replied to the thread EAA life membership value?.
      If they are actually interested in supporting home builders then why don’t they spin off experimental aircraft and GA into their own EAA...
    • K
      kmacht replied to the thread EAA life membership value?.
      Just because there aren’t many people who choose to build wooden or rag and tube airplanes doesn’t mean that people aren’t still...
    • K
      As the details slowly come out, it appears to me that the objection is a fear generated by lack of knowledge and “I just don’t like it”...
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