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    • Jdm
      I’m a bit surprised it’s not standard equipment but good points regardless. Besides, with HUD/EFIS/FLIR certification credit most any...
    • Jdm
      In addition to traditional altimeters, they also have radio altimeters which display a digital readout of height above the ground...
    • Jdm
      I’m currently flying new Boeing equipment without WAAS. Unable LPV. It’s certified for LNAV/VNAV instead.
    • Jdm
      Yes, VNAV PTH if it’s anything like the 757/767. Guessing the FMA’s went unnoticed when the aircraft deviated from PTH, or they never...
    • Jdm
      Jdm reacted to Dan Thomas's post in the thread Air Box Carb Heat Flap Loose with Like Like.
      Someone has "fixed" that with an aluminum AD rivet, and that's why it broke. That rivet is supposed to be a Monel rivet, as Gary pointed...
    • Jdm
      We saw one (just out of the paint shop) that had the controls painted while on the airplane. They didn’t even take them off! They...
    • Jdm
      Jdm replied to the thread Mechanic’s insurance.
      I would have guessed less than 1%. Much less.
    • Jdm
      Jdm replied to the thread Mechanic’s insurance.
      This is a subject that has always concerned me. Wonder how often mechanics actually get judgments against them? I’ve been in the...
    • Jdm
      Uship has worked well for me also.
    • Jdm
      Jdm replied to the thread GFC 500 issues.
      Thanks.. We’ve had our 650xi since they first came out. Had to wait on the initial batch to be released and delivered. Zero issues. Got...
    • Jdm
      Jdm reacted to nitpick's post in the thread GFC 500 issues with Like Like.
      The "MSG" icon lights up and when you press it you get a "FAN FAILED" message It's a $20 fan but it's mounted in the tray, not the...
    • Jdm
      Jdm reacted to Magman's post in the thread Plane purchase 1st time with Like Like.
      Thank you! My belief is that folks on this and other forums are more than willing to give advice. IMHO - It hurts the whole Aviation...
    • Jdm
      Jdm replied to the thread GFC 500 issues.
      Haven’t had the GTN650 fan go out yet. Does it give an indication, or is this just something the avionics shop found?
    • Jdm
      Jdm replied to the thread trouble light, work light.
      Thanks. Good info. I’ve never worked around an airplane with airbags. Certainly wouldn’t get it near a magnetic compass.
    • Jdm
      Jdm replied to the thread trouble light, work light.
      I would have been skeptical about the magnetic part but another A&P let me use his. I was impressed. It works well more often than you...
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